Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

Just a reminder, I predicted the GOP imploding back in 2007, but you all said I was crazy.
Been scratching my head since humble foreign policy candidate W turned in to world policeman W. Fûck em. Let em burn

Also the anti war left? They literally left where are they?
Lol, the President signs off on the budget. There would have been another government shutdown blamed on the GOP.
Would've enjoyed a shutdown. This isn't 1975. The media isn't as powerful as it once was except for you cucks who try to tout it despite our orange toupeed chimp buddy using it against you cucks
LOL at anyone suggesting trying to silence Trump...he's a ratings bonanza right now. They make every debate about him.
I mean by the establishment superpac ads & general annoyance of the wishes of primary voters. More super awesome GOPe tactics that gave the world such hits as W, InSain & Rmoney
Just a reminder, I predicted the GOP imploding back in 2007, but you all said I was crazy.

It's not an implosion. It's a shedding. The Dems won't ever have something like this because they race to line up behind a Trump/Hillary. The GOP actually has morals.
It's not an implosion. It's a shedding. The Dems won't ever have something like this because they race to line up behind a Trump/Hillary. The GOP actually has morals.
I was imitating another recent thread. I'm no moral expert but rendition and torture don't seem to fit the bill. Neither does booting people out of the country, just because.
85, you are far from a challenge. How about since the House controls the spending of the Country they fight the 2016 Omnibus bill. They took out language that would have restricted the funding of sanctuary cities, they took out language that would have restricted the movement of Syrian refugees to the U.S., hell they removed language from the bill that would have required Homeland Security to have increase vetting on Syrian Nationals. They had the chance to strip funding to Planned Parenthood but passed. They extended for three years the Land, Water and Conservation Fund. This Fund is used to manage federal land is often mismanaged and abused. Absent from the Omnibus Bill are provisions that would block the Obama administration’s climate change regulations, regulations that will drive up energy costs no climate benefit. There was no change to the failed school lunch program.

I cold go on and on and on but why. 85, you're clueless if you think there is any difference between Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The republican establishment is all talk. It's time for a President that is not bought and paid for.


It's called COMPROMISE, you dumbass. It's REQUIRED when you have divided government.

You also threw me some irrelevant low hanging fruit. None of the above has ANYTHING to do with taxes, spending, or foreign policy.

My point stands, and you support a racist and a fascist.
Oh I know full well what it is but this congress has turned this President into a King. What is the point of Congress than if all they do is rubber stamp what the President wants?

Obama has put forth budgets for the past 4 years that are incredible wreckless and political and they've gone nowhere in Congress. You're totally ignorant to what actually happens in government. Nothing is being rubber stamped.

Again, you support a racist and fascist.
That "victory" speech last night sounded like a gdamn infomercial. If you didnt watch it, go back and watch the first twenty minutes. Its all about all the products and resorts he owns, how good they are, and where to buy them. I half expected him to say something like "We are announcing tonight a new chain of Trump Auto Plazas. Make your car great again. $20 off your next oil change when you mention this speech ..."
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That "victory" speech last night sounded like a gdamn infomercial. If you didnt watch it, go back and watch the first twenty minutes. Its all about all the products and resorts he owns, how good they are, and where to buy them. I half expected him to say something like "We are announcing tonight a new chain of Trump Auto Plazas. Make your car great again. $20 off your next oil change when you mention this speech ..."

I've listened to a couple of his rallies on the radio and 50% of his speeches are about his awesome products and businesses, 35% is about other candidates and the rest is substance.
That "victory" speech last night sounded like a gdamn infomercial. If you didnt watch it, go back and watch the first twenty minutes. Its all about all the products and resorts he owns, how good they are, and where to buy them. I half expected him to say something like "We are announcing tonight a new chain of Trump Auto Plazas. Make your car great again. $20 off your next oil change when you mention this speech ..."

And what's hilarious, or f*cking sad, is that the products he talked about were either failed, no longer offered, or weren't his! It's amazing; people like Sir G have to know at this point that Trump is lying every time he speaks, yet they give him a free pass either way.

The steaks weren't his- that went bankrupt long ago.

The water isn't bottled by Trump and is only offered in his casinos (which are going bankrupt)

The vodka was discontinued in 2011 due to lack of sales.

And, the only successful thing he shows, Trump Wine, is owned by his son- not Donald.

I've never seen a person parade a bunch of fake products or things they don't own and try to insist they are in fact successful because of them. This is lying on a whole new level. And the idiots are sucking it up.
And what's hilarious, or f*cking sad, is that the products he talked about were either failed, no longer offered, or weren't his! It's amazing; people like Sir G have to know at this point that Trump is lying every time he speaks, yet they give him a free pass either way.

The steaks weren't his- that went bankrupt long ago.

The water isn't bottled by Trump and is only offered in his casinos (which are going bankrupt)

The vodka was discontinued in 2011 due to lack of sales.

And, the only successful thing he shows, Trump Wine, is owned by his son- not Donald.

I've never seen a person parade a bunch of fake products or things they don't own and try to insist they are in fact successful because of them. This is lying on a whole new level. And the idiots are sucking it up.
Ahh, but you miss the point. Donald doesn't produce any of those. He licenses his name to them, taking a tidy sum in the process and doesn't give a crap if their successful or not. He gets paid and doesn't deal with any of it. In his mind, they're successful because HE made money off of them.
And what's hilarious, or f*cking sad, is that the products he talked about were either failed, no longer offered, or weren't his! It's amazing; people like Sir G have to know at this point that Trump is lying every time he speaks, yet they give him a free pass either way.

I've never seen a person parade a bunch of fake products or things they don't own and try to insist they are in fact successful because of them. This is lying on a whole new level. And the idiots are sucking it up.

He must have been successful doing something or done something right. He's a freaking billionaire or one hell of a con man or both.
He must have been successful doing something or done something right. He's a freaking billionaire or one hell of a con man or both.

The guy started with a $40M inheritance. I shouldn't have to explain to you the type of leverage and opportunity that exists for people with $40M in 1972. By the time he hit the boom times of the 80's, with that much money, he would have to be an IDIOT to not turn that into a mega fortune.

Not to mention that most estimates put his actual current fortune at just $150M following his many failures. There's a reason he won't release his tax returns- his entire campaign revolves around a lie, needing you to believe he's worth $10B. It'd be a massive embarrassment to find he's not even worth what he was worth in the mid 80s

It's called COMPROMISE, you dumbass. It's REQUIRED when you have divided government.

You also threw me some irrelevant low hanging fruit. None of the above has ANYTHING to do with taxes, spending, or foreign policy.

My point stands, and you support a racist and a fascist.
I feel sorry for you. Please show me where Obama compromised.
The guy started with a $40M inheritance. I shouldn't have to explain to you the type of leverage and opportunity that exists for people with $40M in 1972. By the time he hit the boom times of the 80's, with that much money, he would have to be an IDIOT to not turn that into a mega fortune.

Not to mention that most estimates put his actual current fortune at just $150M following his many failures. There's a reason he won't release his tax returns- his entire campaign revolves around a lie, needing you to believe he's worth $10B. It'd be a massive embarrassment to find he's not even worth what he was worth in the mid 80s
He can't lie on the FEC filings. You will go to jail. He valued his name and the licensing of his name at $5billion of the $10b he claims. What a joker.
The guy started with a $40M inheritance. I shouldn't have to explain to you the type of leverage and opportunity that exists for people with $40M in 1972. By the time he hit the boom times of the 80's, with that much money, he would have to be an IDIOT to not turn that into a mega fortune.

Not to mention that most estimates put his actual current fortune at just $150M following his many failures. There's a reason he won't release his tax returns- his entire campaign revolves around a lie, needing you to believe he's worth $10B. It'd be a massive embarrassment to find he's not even worth what he was worth in the mid 80s
40MM in New York real estate might buy you half of a small building in Manhattan in the 80's. Stick to what you know, which appears to be little. What he did in real estate is pretty damn impressive. I know many people who inherited more money than Trump who have accomplished nothing. As for his true worth, don't know but if you think he could self fund a national presidential a election with a net worth of $150,000,000, well you're as foolish as I always knew you to be.
From my chair, if you inherit $40 million, you don't have to do anything except not waste it or get divorced. Just my $.02
40MM in New York real estate might buy you half of a small building in Manhattan in the 80's. Stick to what you know, which appears to be little. What he did in real estate is pretty damn impressive. I know many people who inherited more money than Trump who have accomplished nothing. As for his true worth, don't know but if you think he could self fund a national presidential a election with a net worth of $150,000,000, well you're as foolish as I always knew you to be.


Poor lil' Trump with just $40M to spare. How did he survive?

In typical Sir G fashion, you're making up how much he's actually "self funded". You have absolutely no idea, you're just making things up, and you love it. Facts are your enemy, and Trump is your Messiah.
I was imitating another recent thread. I'm no moral expert but rendition and torture don't seem to fit the bill. Neither does booting people out of the country, just because.
People who have entered illegally or overstayed a visa are routinely asked to leave by nations all over the earth. How this is some travesty now doesn't make sense.
Found some info.

On page 182, Trump lists holdings including $1.37 billion in New York City commercial properties and $1.22 billion in club facilities and related real estate. Liabilities include some $374 million in loans and mortgages.

At $3 billion his biggest asset -- by far -- is brand value, which according to a note "has been established by Predictiv, the highly respected brand valuation company."

The company, the note continues, "measures the financial impact of intangibles such as brand, strategy execution, innovation and post-merger integration."

In its latest look at his finances Forbes conceded that "yes, Trump remains adamant that Forbes is underestimating his brand value" -- which they put at $200 million.

His response: "You're ridiculous," Forbes reported.

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