Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass


Poor lil' Trump with just $40M to spare. How did he survive?

In typical Sir G fashion, you're making up how much he's actually "self funded". You have absolutely no idea, you're just making things up, and you love it. Facts are your enemy, and Trump is your Messiah.
Huh? You make absolutely no sense. I've tried to converse with you and not go personal but I truly feel that I'm getting dumber by reading your posts.
Wait... Where did this come from? I found something wildly different than that on Forbes.

Many sites. You see the issue here, yes? This clown could make this very simple and release tax returns as every other candidate has done. But he won't, because he knows his entire claim of wealth is a lie and he'd look like the liar he is if he did.

His entire campaign is built around "I have $10B, I'm awesome". The very least he should be required to do is prove that wealth and release the tax returns.
Huh? You make absolutely no sense. I've tried to converse with you and not go personal but I truly feel that I'm getting dumber by reading your posts.

Don't feel bad, it's hard to think straight when you're consumed with racism and bigotry.
Many sites. You see the issue here, yes? This clown could make this very simple and release tax returns as every other candidate has done. But he won't, because he knows his entire claim of wealth is a lie and he'd look like the liar he is if he did.

His entire campaign is built around "I have $10B, I'm awesome". The very least he should be required to do is prove that wealth and release the tax returns.
You do know that tax returns don't show wealth right, it shows income. Forget it.
People who have entered illegally or overstayed a visa are routinely asked to leave by nations all over the earth. How this is some travesty now doesn't make sense.
In some cases it was a travesty back then. If you're sending someone back to a deplorable condition or certain death, there's something morally wrong with that.
Many sites. You see the issue here, yes? This clown could make this very simple and release tax returns as every other candidate has done. But he won't, because he knows his entire claim of wealth is a lie and he'd look like the liar he is if he did.

His entire campaign is built around "I have $10B, I'm awesome". The very least he should be required to do is prove that wealth and release the tax returns.
I just got a Forbe's article that put him around $3-$4B not including his "brand value". Thats far from 150M.
Easy, deputize all card carrying members of the NRA to carry this out. 85% will probably jump at the chance. Think of all the tax dollars this would save.
I guess you'll be ok with people stopping you for no reason and asking you for your birth certificate or knock at your door for the same purpose. After you are cleared by the first deputized NRA guy, you can get some kind of symbol to wear on your lapel sonyou are not stopped anymore. It could be a gold star
I guess you'll be ok with people stopping you for no reason and asking you for your birth certificate or knock at your door for the same purpose. After you are cleared by the first deputized NRA guy, you can get some kind of symbol to wear on your lapel sonyou are not stopped anymore. It could be a gold star

There's many whites, not even conservatives on this board that won't be affected by this.
Here's the article. It's the first thing that comes up from a Google search.

At this point, 85, I'm going to have to call your bluff. I think you're bullsh$tting.

I'm very ambivalent about Trump. But still I think the facts and the complete facts should be used.

Fact: He donated six figures to Hillary alone and also Pelosi, Reid, Ted Kennedy, Schumer, Rahm Emmanuel, etc, etc, etc.

from Breitbart News Daily Dec 9th

Pamela Geller said that Trump was right to launch “a conversation” about Muslim migration aka banning Muslims from entering the US.

“Obama’s negligence and jihad-denial necessitates emergency measures,” she said. “In this he’s right.”
In some cases it was a travesty back then. If you're sending someone back to a deplorable condition or certain death, there's something morally wrong with that.
Define deplorable condition? While Guatemala is dangerous it wouldn't be the same as certain death. Many people actually "live" there. We already have an asylum system. Mexico while not great doesn't qualify for blanket asylum for all of its people.
I guess you'll be ok with people stopping you for no reason and asking you for your birth certificate or knock at your door for the same purpose. After you are cleared by the first deputized NRA guy, you can get some kind of symbol to wear on your lapel sonyou are not stopped anymore. It could be a gold star

Totally fine with it. I'm a middle aged white male. I'm golden.
Define deplorable condition? While Guatemala is dangerous it wouldn't be the same as certain death. Many people actually "live" there. We already have an asylum system. Mexico while not great doesn't qualify for blanket asylum for all of its people.
How about Honduras? What conditions would lead someone to send their child on a treacherous journey crossing 2 countries in the hope of a better life? I think they'd do it to escape a life of extreme poverty or a life of illegal activities to survive.
How about Honduras? What conditions would lead someone to send their child on a treacherous journey crossing 2 countries in the hope of a better life? I think they'd do it to escape a life of extreme poverty or a life of illegal activities to survive.
Heres a hint, they arent US citizens. They cost us all a ton of money each year. Send them back. Maybe they can be the difference to turning their country around.
knight_poster-15, this point of view would be considered immoral by many.
then we should accept 90% of Africa (let's say approximatey 1B), 90% of India (Approximately 1B), 60% of China (Approximately ~750M), the Middle East etc.

All told we should multiply our population by 10X and hope it works out for the best.

Based on your reasoning for allowing these individuals in, anything less is inconsistent and immoral.
then we should accept 90% of Africa (let's say approximatey 1B), 90% of India (Approximately 1B), 60% of China (Approximately ~750M), the Middle East etc.

All told we should multiply our population by 10X and hope it works out for the best.

Based on your reasoning for allowing these individuals in, anything less is inconsistent and immoral.
LOL, I was waiting for you to move the goal post. We're talking about people already here.
I'm sorry your party is a complete joke. Tonight should be another example of that.
First let me say that I am not nor have I been a registered republican in in six years. I have always leaned more Libertarian but I can say with pride I'm no democrat, I believe in hard work and personal responsibility.

If you're looking for a joke, you need to look no further than you party where a soon to be felon and a self proclaimed socialist are your only two candidates.
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Totally fine with it. I'm a middle aged white male. I'm golden.
Hate to tell you this, but your life time clock starts speeding up now. You will go to bed, Make love all knight, get up and have all grey or white hair, and then it will take all night, to make love.
First let me say that I am not nor have I been a registered republican in in six years. I have always leaned more Libertarian but I can say with pride I'm no democrat, I believe in hard work and personal responsibility.

If you're looking for a joke, you need to look no further than you party where a soon to be felon and a self proclaimed socialist are your only two candidates.
Delusional as usual. Hillary will only be tried within the Republican Party, and that's it.
The right doesn't have a monopoly on hard work and personal responsibility. The only difference is you all talk badly about welfare and government programs, but still use them. We simply don't talk bad about them.
Delusional as usual. Hillary will only be tried within the Republican Party, and that's it.
The right doesn't have a monopoly on hard work and personal responsibility. The only difference is you all talk badly about welfare and government programs, but still use them. We simply don't talk bad about them.
The reason Hillary will only be tried within the republican party is because that is the only party of the two with ethics and morals. You know full well that she is guilty in the email situation, a situation that caused General Petraeus his career and he only gave one secret away not hundreds or thousands. You will excuse her actions because you simply have no other candidate and instead of voting for character, you are voting party affiliation. That says a lot about your character.
Delusional as usual. Hillary will only be tried within the Republican Party, and that's it.
The right doesn't have a monopoly on hard work and personal responsibility. The only difference is you all talk badly about welfare and government programs, but still use them. We simply don't talk bad about them.

Look, I get it- you're a Democratic soldier and will vote for them either way. Especially since you think Republicans will usher in the End Times or something.

But be honest, BE HONEST- do you REALLY think Hillary is NOT a power hungry cretin who likely have committed a litany of Federal crimes and violated her own State Department policy? For God's sakes, the FBI has uncovered over 1,000 emails that were classified after she said "Not a single one!" was classified.

The majority of my liberal friends have already admitted they'll have to hold their nose while voting for Hillary since she's such a farce. It will be slightly easier when it becomes a "Not Trump" vote.

But C'mon ......
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Now for a commercial break, let's watch Dick Scott embarrass himself on national TV:

While it looked ridiculous, let's not forget that Scarborough and Kelly are absolutely repugnant smug idiots. Joe is only allowed to exist on MSNBC because he tells everyone he's a "conservative" while playing into the MSNBC talking points "from the other side".

Frankly I don't give a shit what Scott says. We have low unemployment, jobs are pouring into Florida, more people are moving here, and we have a budget surplus. A f*cking surplus. He could go on air and pull a Marshaun Lynch for all I care, so long as the conditions above persist.
The reason Hillary will only be tried within the republican party is because that is the only party of the two with ethics and morals. You know full well that she is guilty in the email situation, a situation that caused General Petraeus his career and he only gave one secret away not hundreds or thousands. You will excuse her actions because you simply have no other candidate and instead of voting for character, you are voting party affiliation. That says a lot about your character.
She didn't give any secrets away, that's what you're failing to comprehend as a result of your blind hatred.
She didn't give any secrets away, that's what you're failing to comprehend as a result of your blind hatred.

She had them on an unsecure server. That is illegal. It doesn't matter that she didn't sell them to Russia or China. The simple act of storing classified/top secret/etc information in an insecure location is a crime, not to mention distributing it to aids without clearances. Patraeus had ONE classified document stored unsecurely, Hillary had thousands.
Look, I get it- you're a Democratic soldier and will vote for them either way. Especially since you think Republicans will usher in the End Times or something.

But be honest, BE HONEST- do you REALLY think Hillary is NOT a power hungry cretin who likely have committed a litany of Federal crimes and violated her own State Department policy? For God's sakes, the FBI has uncovered over 1,000 emails that were classified after she said "Not a single one!" was classified.

The majority of my liberal friends have already admitted they'll have to hold their nose while voting for Hillary since she's such a farce. It will be slightly easier when it becomes a "Not Trump" vote.

But C'mon ......
To be completely honest, I like Kasich the most. Although, Hillary does have some issues I believe they're greatly exaggerated by the GOP. The time spent on Benghazi was a complete waste of taxpayer money, as is the time being spent on this email nonsense. Should she have done things differently yes, but she didn't commit federal crimes. I think her message resonates with far more people than that of Trump or Cruz, and as such I think she will be the next president, but we'll see.
She had them on an unsecure server. That is illegal. It doesn't matter that she didn't sell them to Russia or China. The simple act of storing classified/top secret/etc information in an insecure location is a crime, not to mention distributing it to aids without clearances. Patraeus had ONE classified document stored unsecurely, Hillary had thousands.
Were they top secret at the time or deemed top secret later? Also, when will Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice be charged because they did the same?
Were they top secret at the time or deemed top secret later? Also, when will Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice be charged because they did the same?

That fact they weren't labeled doesn't matter. They don't get labeled until after they are sent or received. She knows what is and is not secret. Powell and Rice did not do what she did.