Fire Gus

I'm willing to give Gus one more year and reduce the buyout (which is going to happen anyway),
Nice to see someone say that. Thank you. All I'm asking is for people to be realistic.

but Terry has to get him to give up play calling and bring in an innovative OC and/or QB coach.
So ... yes, and no. Yes, with Brown being malleable, it's not a bad time to do it. But no, it's not going to change much, even with a new QB/OC.

I.e., doing so means restarting, and that means whomever we bring in, needs to keep much of Gus' playbook for 2025 to have a chance.

One thing Heupel did do correct is keep most of Frost's playbook. To change it would have really hurt 2018's chances. Heupel just brought in a few plays, some of which destroyed Pitt and others.

yea, and we will have been demanding this for what, 3, 4 years?
And how many times have we done it already? Then switched back?

We run a RPO, which means it's on the QB quite a bit. I'm just glad KJ isn't running it any more. He clearly did not have much practice with the team, and could not execute fast enough.

Brown very much does. Brown reminds me of JRP, only bigger and even faster!
Kind of hard to get him to agree to give up responsibility. Given that last year he blamed all the problems on the fact that he gave too much control to coordinators. He doesn't like to point fingers at himself.
And this is why I’m all for firing. Gus wants to run the show…and the show is a shit show.

He exhibits zero accountability; talks like a politician without any specifics; there’s no reason as a fan that any of this improves. How on earth is this allowed?
I'm willing to give Gus one more year and reduce the buyout (which is going to happen anyway), but Terry has to get him to give up play calling and bring in an innovative OC and/or QB coach.
The AD brought in an offensive coordinator last year with that intention Gus obliterated that after several games. I don’t know if it was the right offensive coordinator ( I’m sure Gus selected Hinshaw initially ) to bring in, but one does need to be brought in because Gus doesn’t have it.
Kind of hard to get him to agree to give up responsibility. Given that last year he blamed all the problems on the fact that he gave too much control to coordinators. He doesn't like to point fingers at himself.
I didn't get the impression of that at all. I only got the impression that he wants to call the offense, if he's going to get blamed any way. I don't (pun)blame(pun) him for that attitude.

KJ struggled to run his offense, and clearly didn't learn the playbook. Gus had to dumb it down for KJ, sadly enough. Brown will learn it. But it's not happening overnight. People need to be patient, new QB#1.

Treat Brown in 2024 like Milton in 2016.
Gus did the same thing at Auburn. Handed the play calling to his OC, only to take it back. I’m fine with that as at the end of the day he’s the HC, but the optics are bad. Looks like he’s rolling Hinshaw and his OCs under the bus.

But, I’m a Hinshaw fan and would like to see what he can do as the play caller. I think he’d do great and I’m not so sure he was ever calling plays last year.
I'm not going to fire Gus over 1 QB bad decision. Sorry, I'm not. JRP was a solid move. He just was. Brown looks really good, given his current, early limitations.
1 Bad QB decision? This has to be a joke.

I defended JRP at great length, but Malzahn entered the program with Dillon Gabriel at QB. JRP was a huge downgrade to Gabriel, that's not even a question. He chased off Keene, he chased off Castellanos, who is better than anyone we have right now. And you can say well these weren't bad decisions, these guys were scared off by Gus' scheme and inability to develop QBs. Obviously, that in and of itself is a huge problem, and most certainly the main problem. You wouldn't be firing Gus over 1 bad QB decision, if you want to just focus on the QB position, the QB position has been a dumpster fire for the 4 years Gus has been here, and look at his track record at Auburn the last 5 years before we brought him in, a ton of QB talent just wasted during his tenure.
Castellanos is the only QB Gus has brought in out of high school that's had any sort of hype around him, and the dude was gone after 1 year. This is after 4 years at the helm. It's not acceptable, and I don't see how anyone could make the argument that it is.
Risk assessment has been my career. It very much is. You have to weigh to pros/cons. And given the statistics on the matter, it's way, way too early to even make that choice.

And the argument that we must fire Gus now, or we'll set the program back 5 years, is getting old. Even Auburn fans no longer say that. They realize they themselves -- or at least influential boosters -- set the program back with Harsin-Freeze. Freeze is looking far worse than Harsin, especially with recruiting and how the players are reacting to him.

With Gus, we have 1 player complaining about another staffer. Gus needs to address that, but he may only do it with the players. In fact, I fully suspect he might only do that. They trust him, as do parents.

Auburn fans are the ones that literally made me aware of that. Even the ones who wanted him fired.

You are the type of guys that take the A out of CIA, and crash my hundreds of billion dollar asset FSI servers. I then pick up the pieces, and you get read the riot act by Board Members after they read my risk analysis you ignored.

I know you guys. You scream about risk, but you don't stop to actually analyze it. You just do your 'checkbox,' then pass the buck when you make it worse. And you then hate me for it, because I not only ended up being right, but have it all documented. :)

Don't even have to say, "I told you so." Other people do it for me. But I'm an engineer, and I focus on risk and sustainment for 5, 10 even 20 years, not 6-18 months, or whenever I get a promotion.
Yes I’m the upper management that’s never done the actual job of the people under me, demanding it be done better and I’m telling you how to do it even though I’ve never done it. It’s easy to say do better, it’s harder when you’re the one doing it.
I don’t care if Gus installs the offense, the game plans and calls the plays. He has that right. Just take the credit for the good and bad. The bad has outweighed the good lately.
1 Bad QB decision? This has to be a joke.
I defended JRP at great length, but Malzahn entered the program with Dillon Gabriel at QB.
Dillion left Oklahoma dude. He's now at Oregon. Gus had him a whole 3 games before he broke his collarbone. To DG's credit, Oregon is doing great in the Big 10 with him, so ... credit DG for moving on.

JRP was a huge downgrade to Gabriel, that's not even a question. He chased off Keene, he chased off Castellanos, who is better than anyone we have right now.
And how many QBs are staying with their first school these days?! I'll wait. :)

I don't remember Gus chasing off Keene. I remember Keene redshirting instead of starting the CCG. He saw JRP as the future, and Keene wanted to lead. I don't know what to tell you. He also committed to Power school before that, if you remember, then moved on (when he wasn't going to be the starter there either!). I.e., it was 'family related' IIRC. :)

And you can say well these weren't bad decisions, these guys were scared off by Gus' scheme and inability to develop QBs. Obviously, that in and of itself is a huge problem, and most certainly the main problem. You wouldn't be firing Gus over 1 bad QB decision, if you want to just focus on the QB position, the QB position has been a dumpster fire for the 4 years Gus has been here, and look at his track record at Auburn the last 5 years before we brought him in, a ton of QB talent just wasted during his tenure.
Sorry, but no ... only 1 bad QB decision with KJ. I'm sticking to that.

You can stick your head in the sand and ignore all the QBs transferring all over in college football. It's happening everywhere, especially as our talent pool has gone up. We're basically having the same problem as Alabama, among others, now ... especially with the new rules that just took effect when Gus got here.

Don't believe me?! Guess you'll find out with the next coach! Then, I'm going to 'call you out' on it too! Of course, you 'won't remember,' or ... better yet ... you'll be saying why that coach needs to be fired too!!! :)

Even Gus' replacements at Auburn have had the same issue! In fact, unlike Gus, Freeze is being chastized publicly by former players. Even Auburn fans who wanted to fire Gus wouild take Gus in a heartbeat over Freeze now. Gus didn't alienate players, let alone future recruits, and their parents.

People need to stop posting articles from 2019-2021 about Gus. Auburn fans are ticked off. Even if they didn't want Gus long-term, none of them will badmouth Gus when it comes to him as a person, and how much the recruits and their parents love him as a recruiter and coach. Even Prime does.
I don't remember Gus chasing off Keene. I remember Keene redshirting instead of starting the CCG. He saw JRP as the future, and Keene wanted to lead. I don't know what to tell you. He also committed to Power school before that, if you remember, then moved on (when he wasn't going to be the starter there either!). I.e., it was 'family related' IIRC. :)
Malzahn didn't chase off Keene, but saw Plumlee as the future and didn't want Keene to lead the team? Who beat UF in a bowl game and won games for Plumlee that season (Cincinnati) when Plumlee was ineffective. Isn't that the definition of running a player off, refusing to acknowledge their successes as a team leader in favor of a player that never once matched the success.

Malzahn was going to use Keene for one game, and bench him again and tell him to be a backup. Malzahn was all in on Plumlee just like he was all in on Jefferson. Just Jefferson never got hurt so eventually Malzahn had to reluctantly bench him.
Yes I’m the upper management that’s never done the actual job of the people under me, demanding it be done better and I’m telling you how to do it even though I’ve never done it.
I usually don't stay with managers like that, or in my case of consulting, client managers. What the manager wants, is often not what the company needs. But I never 'usurp' my management, and try to help them 'do the right thing.' Unfortunately, many 'fight' me, thinking I haven't worked with me ... and it always takes 6 months.

E.g., I know one manager sh-- a brick in '12 when he realized the CTO and I had known each other since the '90s. He didn't know who he was, and walked up to me, and I introduced him.

I loved my VP I had 2016-2021. Unfortunately, there were other VPs of other divisions that caused issues. They also had massive turnover, and had to hire, or re-purpose, unqualified talent. I did my best to work with them, but when they would cover up their mistakes, after crashing systems, instead of working with me, when I made time, and documented how much time I made for them, they slit their own throats. I'm an immediate 'lead' for a reason, and no one even questions it in my chain. They find I'm an asset that self-documents and gives them everything they need, from the lowest levels to the C-levels.

When you're one company, you need to work together ... everybody. But you also need qualified leadership. Those that do not, have high turnover, and poor retention, including 'finger pointing.' I think HP was the worst experience I've ever had in my career. But that's why I did contract work and was sub'd to them a lot. Only once I took a direct position as a lead, and that ended up being Sales v. me, and then my VP. Sales eventually got my VP sacked, and I left, telling them they could do 2 things. They didn't listen until later, and sold the unit far too late, for far less money, to who I told them to.

Most of the time, it's made worse through multiple reorgs where we people of 12-20 years with the company are laid off. Now those managers and VPs ended up having a lot to answer for in all those cases! Many were terminated as a result. We're talking S&P500 companies that screwed up units. Sales and security are the two biggest culprits, sales wanting their quarterly commissions, and security literally being a basketcase of incompetence and, worse set, liability at times (covering up mistakes, not being honest about them).

It’s easy to say do better, it’s harder when you’re the one doing it.
Or the lead who most look to.

My #1 issue has always been with new management who literally alienate people, and then they come to me. In every case, management has 2 options ...

1) Work with me, I'm trying to help, not badmouth them like everyone else, or ...

2) "Know your place Bryan," in which I just 'shrug,' "Okay, got it," and let them nose dive

In the latter case, one was used to hiring and firing hundreds of contractors, came in via an acquisition, which became -- what I call -- an 'in-source' (external company takes of an internal division). They took over a division much smaller, but who made the company 10x as much money as they did, in indirect upsell (over 10% of all revenue, directly, no sales involved, and up to 25-30% indirectly, sustaining sales -- none on commission). We were 'trusted advisors' that major accounts looked to.

They never understood that, and once they started alienating customers, sales was pissed. In fact, because I had helped save AT&T and other accounts, I was granted -- at the C-levels -- a stock bonus, since I could receive direct compensation. My managers didn't like that I had more stock than them too. You'd think they'd recognize maybe why I did?! Nope, I was 'too costly' in their view. OMG did HR 'read them the riot act' when I resigned (HR immediately marked them as liabilities), after they tried to put something in my file (no good deed goes unpunished, they were stupid to initate that)!

I resigned, and took a competitive position for almost twice as much money at HP, after 7 years with the organization. From when it was barely traded on the NYSE to S&P500. I helped grow it from a $0.3B/year company to a $3B/year, indirectly touching 10% of all revenue on a 5-site team. Of course, HP screwed up that initiative, after spending billions.
Dillion left Oklahoma dude. He's now at Oregon. Gus had him a whole 3 games before he broke his collarbone. To DG's credit, Oregon is doing great in the Big 10 with him, so ... credit DG for moving on.

And how many QBs are staying with their first school these days?! I'll wait. :)

I don't remember Gus chasing off Keene. I remember Keene redshirting instead of starting the CCG. He saw JRP as the future, and Keene wanted to lead. I don't know what to tell you. He also committed to Power school before that, if you remember, then moved on (when he wasn't going to be the starter there either!). I.e., it was 'family related' IIRC. :)

Sorry, but no ... only 1 bad QB decision with KJ. I'm sticking to that.

You can stick your head in the sand and ignore all the QBs transferring all over in college football. It's happening everywhere, especially as our talent pool has gone up. We're basically having the same problem as Alabama, among others, now ... especially with the new rules that just took effect when Gus got here.

Don't believe me?! Guess you'll find out with the next coach! Then, I'm going to 'call you out' on it too! Of course, you 'won't remember,' or ... better yet ... you'll be saying why that coach needs to be fired too!!! :)

Even Gus' replacements at Auburn have had the same issue! In fact, unlike Gus, Freeze is being chastized publicly by former players. Even Auburn fans who wanted to fire Gus wouild take Gus in a heartbeat over Freeze now. Gus didn't alienate players, let alone future recruits, and their parents.

People need to stop posting articles from 2019-2021 about Gus. Auburn fans are ticked off. Even if they didn't want Gus long-term, none of them will badmouth Gus when it comes to him as a person, and how much the recruits and their parents love him as a recruiter and coach. Even Prime does.
Oh no, I might get called out!

The problem isn’t that QBs are transferring out. The problem is the QBs transferring in aren’t as good as the ones transferring out. Couple that with not bringing in QB talent out of high school and it’s a huge problem.
Oh no, I might get called out!
Just warning you. I can admit, I can be an a-hole at times, especially since 2021 (and just 'crass' before that). :)

Just remember, it's just on the board, and ... I actually agree with people more than I disagree, most of the time. I'm just play 'devil's advocate' regularly. If it's not obvious, I'm also
a staunch, almost anal, Libertarian-Capitalist that calls a lot of people out.
I.e., it's nothing personal. It's just 'hey, it's not always better,' or ... 'hey, you do realize we run this risk, and ... right now ... I consider it much higher.'

The problem isn’t that QBs are transferring out. The problem is the QBs transferring in aren’t as good as the ones transferring out. Couple that with not bringing in QB talent out of high school and it’s a huge problem.
Actually, I thought we got a pair of solid freshmen QBs?! In fact, Gus started one over Brown against Cindi. :)

Everyone has this problem. QBs wanna play. Even RJ didn't come to UCF, because he wanted to be a QB, not a RB. And that wasn't exactly Gus who recruited him. And that's before the 'newer rules.'

It just is what it is. We'll see what happens over the final 6 games this year, and 6 games into next year.
we can complain all we want but he's not going anywhere in part to our AD putting a massive buyout on him. If we want to be a serious program coaches have to be held accountable. When you have back to back years of losing streaks doesn't it scream future of college football.
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we can complain all we want but he's not going anywhere in part to our AD putting a massive buyout on him. If we want to be a serious program coaches have to be held accountable. When you have back to back years of losing streaks doesn't it scream future of college football.
Did TCU with Patterson?
Did Utah with Whittingham?

Patterson didn't work out the best long-term, but Whittingham very much has!
I see losing streaks but good for them I guess.
My point is ... it could be better ... it could be worse. This is about 50/50 here.

The only thing that really gets me 'upset' is how people are saying the kids don't want to play for Gus, and he's hurting our recruiting. In that area, Gus is actually a gem in the top 10%, if not even smaller.

Auburn fans are reeling right now, and recognize this, even some don't want Gus back. Anyone posting articles from before 2024 really need to update themselves. Freeze is gettin major condemnation.

And the comparisons to Gus (all positive for Gus, negative for Freeze) in that regard, is absolute now.
My point is ... it could be better ... it could be worse. This is about 50/50 here.

The only thing that really gets me 'upset' is how people are saying the kids don't want to play for Gus, and he's hurting our recruiting. In that area, Gus is actually a gem in the top 10%, if not even smaller.

Auburn fans are reeling right now, and recognize this, even some don't want Gus back. Anyone posting articles from before 2024 really need to update themselves. Freeze is gettin major condemnation.

And the comparisons to Gus (all positive for Gus, negative for Freeze) in that regard, is absolute now.

So apparently this is the situation...?

Some Auburn fans not liking current coach, want old coach. Validation that old coach is better.

UCF fans not liking current coach, want old coach. They are dumb, current coach is way better.
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My point is ... it could be better ... it could be worse. This is about 50/50 here.

The only thing that really gets me 'upset' is how people are saying the kids don't want to play for Gus, and he's hurting our recruiting. In that area, Gus is actually a gem in the top 10%, if not even smaller.

Auburn fans are reeling right now, and recognize this, even some don't want Gus back. Anyone posting articles from before 2024 really need to update themselves. Freeze is gettin major condemnation.

And the comparisons to Gus (all positive for Gus, negative for Freeze) in that regard, is absolute now.
When your not winning that doesn't help in your recruiting regardless. Could be good, could be bad, isn't my thinking especially when your paying players and a coach 4 mill a year. They take money like a pro so gotta take the hot seat that comes with it.

And look at Indiana Cignetti turned that place around over night.
When your not winning that doesn't help in your recruiting regardless. Could be good, could be bad, isn't my thinking especially when your paying players and a coach 4 mill a year. They take money like a pro so gotta take the hot seat that comes with it.
I'll met you half-way, but there's a lot of crap out there.

And look at Indiana Cignetti turned that place around over night.
I'm a huge fan of his, but ... he's just into his 1st season, and ... some talent was there already. It's difficult to tell. Time ... tells. It's hard to know. I mean ... JMU is still doing good without him. So ... it's hard to tell.

This is always a multi-year reality to see the actual, long-term program effects.
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Oh no, I might get called out!

The problem isn’t that QBs are transferring out. The problem is the QBs transferring in aren’t as good as the ones transferring out. Couple that with not bringing in QB talent out of high school and it’s a huge problem.
Agree that the better quarterbacks are leaving then the ones coming in. It’s his system. His system is high school at best and gets quarterbacks hurt also does not allow for qbs to throw the ball down field. This is all recipe for disaster.
When your not winning that doesn't help in your recruiting regardless. Could be good, could be bad, isn't my thinking especially when your paying players and a coach 4 mill a year. They take money like a pro so gotta take the hot seat that comes with it.

And look at Indiana Cignetti turned that place around over night.
He also brought a bunch of players from James Madison over there to implement the system, as well as to upgrade the talent level. I agree he turned that program around overnight. That’s a tough sale there too. It’s much harder there than in Florida.
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Agree that the better quarterbacks are leaving then the ones coming in.
So ... JRP sucked, and was not the best QB option?!

It’s his system. His system is high school at best and gets quarterbacks hurt also does not allow for qbs to throw the ball down field. This is all recipe for disaster.
I distinctly remember Frost saying his offense is 60% run too. But ignore me ... I just lie, right?!

He also brought a bunch of players from James Madison over there to implement the system, as well as to upgrade the talent level. I agree he turned that program around overnight. That’s a tough sale there too. It’s much harder there than in Florida.
And how do you think we would have done had Gus not had his transfers? Oh, that's right ... always better!

Sigh ... it's this type of 'selective memory' that is going to **** up our program. No wonder you dodge my questions on timing and don't want to look at 40% of what I ask!

"Oh, everything is better if we get rid of Grandpa Boom! The kids are leaving because of him."
Did TCU with Patterson?
Did Utah with Whittingham?

Patterson didn't work out the best long-term, but Whittingham very much has!
This is the last time I'm going to respond to this nonsense. The situations are not comparable. Whittingham and Patterson's achievements at those schools led them to getting brought in to the P5. Malzahn did jack shit to get us to the Big 12. His biggest contribution is losing to us in the Peach Bowl.
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So ... JRP sucked, and was not the best QB option?!
He was the best option available. He was a huge downgrade to the QBs we had been putting out there the previous 4 years.

Gabriel leaving was inevitable when Malzahn was brought in, but that in itself speaks poorly of Malzahn. Hire a coach who could make it work, Malzahn couldn't.
Did TCU with Patterson?
Did Utah with Whittingham?

Patterson didn't work out the best long-term, but Whittingham very much has!
This is the last time I'm going to respond to this nonsense.
I love how my posting history, out of fear of revisiting it, is called 'non-sense.' Same with vaccines or the Weimar Republic for that matter. You don't want to admit history.

The situations are not comparable. Whittingham and Patterson's achievements at those schools
Which means they should have been fired ... sooner! I.e., if they failed to 'make the jump,' shouldn't they have been 'fired?' And in their hindsight, today, I hear some TCU fans saying Patterson should have been!

led them to getting brought in to the Big 12.
I'm not going to harp on this, but for accuracy, I think you mean Pac-12 and Big XII, respectively, correct?

Malzahn did jack shit to get us to the Big 12. His biggest contribution is losing to us in the Peach Bowl.
Well, I see you have it all 'figured out' then, eh?

Me? I'm devil's advocate. And I have a pretty good track record here. And when I'm wrong, I'll admit it. But I do love people saying I'm wrong, for being right. That just never stops making me smiled.

Yes, I'm glad a couple people are admitting their ill advice from almost a decade ago. That's nice to see. But it's only been a couple of people. Most people don't like it. And they really don't like it when I predict things ... based on history.

I mean, one of the reasons I became more of an a-hole 2021+ is because I was posting things from foremost medical journals, and I was utterally @$$-****ed by people around here, saying I was killing people. And no one has ****ing apologized to me, among a handful of others. Heck, some people have literally taken it off-board, and even when I left the board, they wouldn't ****ing stop ****ing with me ... even pissing on the graves of others.

Same in 2015, and even defending Milton in 2016, when I utterly chastized. But at least no one died in those cases.

So ... call me an idiot all you want, say it's 'non-sense.' I have my reasons. They tend to be history and the related hysteresis, not 'knee jerking,' like many do. Or at least they 'hope,' kinda like with the vaccines, but that turned out to be too much 'absolutism.' And we ****ed the economy long-term with it.

Give me something other than 'knee jerking' or 'hope.' Give me something more solid. And I'm sorry, but saying Gus has destroyed recruiting, or that Frost wasn't a run-first offense, is the exact opposite.
He was the best option available. He was a huge downgrade to the QBs we had been putting out there the previous 4 years.
Really?! You mean ...
  • The QB that nearly won the AAC, and would have, had he been healthy?!
  • The QB that kept us in 5 of our 6 losses last year, 5 within a score?
That offense worked pretty ****ing well, all while we didn't have defensive depth, and haven't since mid 2019.

This is what I mean by 'selective.'

Gabriel leaving was inevitable when Malzahn was brought in, but that in itself speaks poorly of Malzahn. Hire a coach who could make it work, Malzahn couldn't.
So ... how's that work, since Gabriel went to OU, to follow an OC?! That's Gus' fault?!

You really don't think things through, do you?!
Really?! You mean ...
  • The QB that nearly won the AAC, and would have, had he been healthy?!
  • The QB that kept us in 5 of our 6 losses last year, 5 within a score?
That offense worked pretty ****ing well, all while we didn't have defensive depth, and haven't since mid 2019.

This is what I mean by 'selective.'

So ... how's that work, since Gabriel went to OU, to follow an OC?! That's Gus' fault?!

You really don't think things through, do you?!
Malzone is done.

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I’m not even going to bother quoting all that, but…

-In what world are you living in where previous success at your job gets you fired quicker than someone without that previous success?

-Almost winning the AAC is not an accomplishment. Losing 5 games in our last year of the AAC heading into the Big 12 is not acceptable. Losing close games is not an accomplishment.

-Malzahn had a year with Gabriel. You can’t tell me there was no coach that could’ve possibly swayed Gabriel to stay. Milton didn’t follow Frost and they were tight as could be. You find a way to make it work, Malzahn didn’t. That’s the bottom line.
I’m not even going to bother quoting all that, but…
-In what world are you living in where previous success at your job gets you fired quicker than someone without that previous success?
You seemingly work in a 6-18 month world. I work in a 5, 10 and 20 year world.

You want immediate results, and care about the immediate stock price. I have to sustain things for 5, 10 and even 20+ years.

That's why we differ.

-Almost winning the AAC is not an accomplishment.
So ... making it to the title game, after not doing so in 2019, and 2020 being a combo cluster ... is not?!

Explain this to me like a 3rd grader, since Heupel was so great in Year 2, let alone the mess of Year 3, but Gus so bad in Year 2, for only 'making it' to the CCG, and not winning it, unlike Heupel?!

^^^ That ****ing BS right there! Heupel inherited 10x the program Gus did!

Losing 5 games in our last year of the AAC heading into the Big 12 is not acceptable.
Let's remove the AAC Championship, even if we keep the bowl, for 1:1 purposes.

9 wins is 9 wins. I'm sorry that's unacceptable to you, considering the 'state' of the program when Gus came in ... after 2019-2020.

I.e., I believe we lost close to 60% of Heupel's recruit over the time he was here, before Gus ... but Brandon et al. can correct me, and maybe it was close to 40% in total (including their latters years where Gus would be here), and then another 20% after Gus came (just 2021).

You act like Gus is the worst thing that ever happened. I'm pointing out the challenges Gus had, and what he was able to do, through 2023.

I won't excuse 2024. KJ is on Gus. But if Brown works out, so is Brown ... the other way.

Losing close games is not an accomplishment.
No, but it does mean we were competitive. And it didn't help our QB wasn't 100% many, if not most, of them.

I'll 100% admit QB#1 play is huge. But you also need to understand a lot of QBs DO want to come to UCF to play under Gus for a reason! You don't want to admit that, and that's telling!

-Malzahn had a year with Gabriel.
He had a preason and 3 games dude. He redshirted and was out-the-door. He did it to Oklahoma as well.

You can’t tell me there was no coach that could’ve possibly swayed Gabriel to stay. Milton didn’t follow Frost and they were tight as could be. You find a way to make it work, Malzahn didn’t. That’s the bottom line.
And JRP was the solution. It worked pretty good.

But 2022 was a failure * ... got it. Sigh ... man, could you please stop this demonization and be objective?!
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I love how my posting history, out of fear of revisiting it, is called 'non-sense.' Same with vaccines or the Weimar Republic for that matter. You don't want to admit history.

Which means they should have been fired ... sooner! I.e., if they failed to 'make the jump,' shouldn't they have been 'fired?' And in their hindsight, today, I hear some TCU fans saying Patterson should have been!

I'm not going to harp on this, but for accuracy, I think you mean Pac-12 and Big XII, respectively, correct?

Well, I see you have it all 'figured out' then, eh?

Me? I'm devil's advocate. And I have a pretty good track record here. And when I'm wrong, I'll admit it. But I do love people saying I'm wrong, for being right. That just never stops making me smiled.

Yes, I'm glad a couple people are admitting their ill advice from almost a decade ago. That's nice to see. But it's only been a couple of people. Most people don't like it. And they really don't like it when I predict things ... based on history.

I mean, one of the reasons I became more of an a-hole 2021+ is because I was posting things from foremost medical journals, and I was utterally @$$-****ed by people around here, saying I was killing people. And no one has ****ing apologized to me, among a handful of others. Heck, some people have literally taken it off-board, and even when I left the board, they wouldn't ****ing stop ****ing with me ... even pissing on the graves of others.

Same in 2015, and even defending Milton in 2016, when I utterly chastized. But at least no one died in those cases.

So ... call me an idiot all you want, say it's 'non-sense.' I have my reasons. They tend to be history and the related hysteresis, not 'knee jerking,' like many do. Or at least they 'hope,' kinda like with the vaccines, but that turned out to be too much 'absolutism.' And we ****ed the economy long-term with it.

Give me something other than 'knee jerking' or 'hope.' Give me something more solid. And I'm sorry, but saying Gus has destroyed recruiting, or that Frost wasn't a run-first offense, is the exact opposite.
Ah, it's starting to make sense now. I was wondering why every time I checked in I would see a dozen more maniacal, confrontational, red-font posts from UCF-BS. Now I know -- He's anti-vax guy. Get my news from youtube guy, tin-foil-hat-wearing flat-earther guy. "No one listened to me in 2016, but at least no one died then, I'll bet they're listening now, hahahahahahaha!!!" Paranoid government conspiracy guy who thinks there's a chip implanted in his brain to monitor his thoughts because he does his own research. Finally, an explanation!
Yeah, it seeming more and more like this fella is disturbed. I'll give him the W, and stop responding, because I feel like I'm heading into a dangerous rabbit hole here.

Good luck in your 20 year world.
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Ah, it's starting to make sense now. I was wondering why I every time I checked in I would see a dozen more maniacal, confrontational, red-font posts from UCF-BS. Now I know -- He's anti-vax guy.
And I wear it like a badge, just like Rand Paul is anti-vax too, right? He was an idiot that was wrong about everything from Masks to the Economy, right? *

Not like Rand Paul has an MD that required a 3-year surgery internship that knows anything about the upper respiratory tract, and how IgA intra-nasal vaccines (like those developed in the movie Contagion) differ from the IgG intra-muscular vaccines that have cured cancer, and prevented everyone from spreading, right?! *

Get my news from youtube guy, tin-foil-hat-wearing flat-earther guy.
Yep, like the BMJ and NIH. They are crackpot too! And don't forget idiots like Dr. Kesselheim and Krause! How dare they know better than Pfizer's CEO!!! Glad the administration forced Dr. Krause out, and Gruber followed, and Kesselheim has the most 'hit pieces' about him now! Well deserved! *

And Walsensky didn't hide any data! *

"No one listened to me in 2016, but at least no one died then, I'll bet they're listening now, hahahahahahaha!!!"
Seriously now ...

I never said 'no one listened to me' in 2016. I said many people chastized those of us who said 'be patient' with Milton, and Frost made the 'call for the future.' I wasn't the only one. I was just one of the more hated ones. People still hate me for the 'crass' post that got me noticed by some.

Seriously, I do wish Gus would have done that in game 2 with Brown. I 100% hold Gus accountable for that, but ... Milton wasn't replacing a guy making a half-mil back in 2016. :)

I also wasn't dropping f-bombs back then. Now I say ****, because, well ...
Paranoid government conspiracy guy who thinks there's a chip implanted in his brain to monitor his thoughts because he does his own research. Finally, an explanation!
No, not my own resesearch. I just post the authorities instead ... when I'm not an expert on a topic. But you keep believing that US Media and what investors tell Big Tech to focus on.

The ****tards just keep it up! They don't like me proving myself over time.

But Gus sucked in Year 2, and Heupel was awesome in year 2!!!
Yeah, it seeming more and more like this fella is disturbed. I'll give him the W, and stop responding, because I feel like I'm heading into a dangerous rabbit hole here.

Good luck in your 20 year world.
Sadly, I'd say we're ****ed in 3 ... and I don't mean UCFAA, Inc.

But people 'knew better,' right?!
(and yet we repeated the same mistakes of the 'Spanish Flu', and wrecked the world stage)

I honestly wish I was wrong sometimes, I honestly do. It's always us alleged nutjobs that end up being right in all the wrong, horrendous ways, because ... we just have the undesired, non-conformist, view that no one wants to accept, and ... everything sees as unprofitable and undesirable. We must be nuts to 'go against everyone.'