Nearly 47% pay no federal income tax these days. I'll be dead by then and it won't matter to me because my generation sucked this country dry with its middle class tax breaks, bridges and wars to nowhere, great schools up until the moment my kids graduated, and our unceasing sense of entitlement, but I spent my golden years teaching my grandchildren how to suck this country dry while my kids were off working two jobs each because four incomes in each household was needed to maintain my standard of living with just one. The little leeches will soon have the power to vote themselves the benefits at the expense of Generations X and Y, who have been propping up the system for twenty years now. Good thing I won't be around to take responsibility for it, just like the people I voted for promised me along Hahaha.
With Trump and Hillary running, we have 2 left of center progressives who will keep us on the path to financial and moral ruin. 4 years from now we will have the same choices so I'm not worried about my medicare and social security, as long as you keep paying for it. I long ago drew out more than I paid in. Excuse me, I'd love to continue typing, but I've got to go take my diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease medications that I didnt pay for, but get to take for free, despite my complete lack of moral responsibility for my current health situation. Thanks to you, my doctor bills will be paid in fifty years plus interest so I can continue smoking. I can see the pill bottle now because I just got back from my $2,000 cataract surgery that my doctor billed the government of my grandchildren $20,000 to perform. But thanks for listening to me whine on right wing radio, without the moral authority of my generation, we would be lost. Once we stop doing all the things I benefited from, this country will be ruined.