High school boys rejoice

This exactly. A guy walking into a women's bathroom would immediately set off alarms in everyone's head. That doesn't matter anymore though. Any guy now has the right to be a women's bathroom. All they have to say is they feel like a girl.

The easiest way to solve the "problem" is to have genderless, unisex bathrooms, then we wouldn't have to worry about who identifies with what and the alarms in everyone's head wouldn't go off.
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I never said it didn't exist, I never bashed trans or gay people. I asked a simple question that you said had an easy answer but you still haven't provided it. You just keep name calling.

They would have a medical diagnosis....or possibly family or friends that would agree that the person does indeed live their life as the opposite sex. Why does this need to be spelled out for you? There is a clear difference between a transgender person, and somebody dressing up in the clothes of the opposite sex. If you can't understand that difference, you are a moron and deserve to be called one.
They would have a medical diagnosis....or possibly family or friends that would agree that the person does indeed live their life as the opposite sex. Why does this need to be spelled out for you? There is a clear difference between a transgender person, and somebody dressing up in the clothes of the opposite sex. If you can't understand that difference, you are a moron and deserve to be called one.

What if a person has been in the closet and feels safe to come out now?
What if a person has never felt the need to go see a doctor about it?
There are thousands of different scenarios.

You still haven't provided an "easy" solution to prove someone is not transgender. How is a teacher going to prove that a kid is not transgender when he decides he wants to shower with the girls that day?
There is no need to prove or disprove anything. You are not required to prove your man-ness to anyone, why should a trans man or woman?

It's not a matter of proving who is. It's a matter who proving who isn't. How does a teacher prove a kid is not transgender when he wants to go to the girls locker room?
What if a person has been in the closet and feels safe to come out now?
What if a person has never felt the need to go see a doctor about it?
There are thousands of different scenarios.

You still haven't provided an "easy" solution to prove someone is not transgender. How is a teacher going to prove that a kid is not transgender when he decides he wants to shower with the girls that day?
That's hyperbole of what is being implemented though. There will be a process by which the individual would have to apply and make the administration aware. The White House policy does not give people carte Blanche autonomy to walk into bathrooms of their own choosing. All it does is mandate that schools implement a policy that allows transgenders the ability to switch to their identity when it comes to going potty rather than mandate they feel ostracized by putting them in the bathroom of their physical gender. It's all stupid and overblown.
So it requires parental consent, so the parent would have to be complicit in the scheme. From the article in the OP:

"As soon as a child’s parent or legal guardian asserts a gender identity for the student that “differs from previous representations or records,” the letter says, the child is to be treated accordingly — without any requirement for a medical diagnosis or birth certificate to be produced. It says that schools may — but are not required to — provide other restroom and locker room options to students who seek “additional privacy” for whatever reason."

And it does not mandate that a boy be allowed into the girls room. It only mandates that accommodations be made.
And BTW I'll remind you of when the Democratic controlled Senate completely refused to even discuss or debate House budget bills that were routinely passed on time. Again- pretty damn hard to veto legislation that is deliberately blocked by your Crony partner Harry Reid.

1,100 days without a budget it was.
Good thing that is over. Now that Republicans control both chambers of Congress, they were able to pass a budget and send it to Obama.
Well, considering it's high school, I am willing to bet you won't find many straight, cis males going through the trouble and getting the reputation as someone who is transitioning to female just to be able to see girls walking in and out of closed stalls inside the bathrooms. And I would imagine if it's just a dude throwing on a dress in a mockery of the rule, they would be reprimanded the way a female student who admits a false rape accusation is.

I mean, just from a logical standpoint- most sexual predators don't want to get caught and unless they do an amazing job (which take a long time) of looking convincingly enough like a cis-gendered woman, they are going to draw attention to themselves just from pretending to be trans. Plus, this all implies that we haven't really cared much about all the young boys being victims of predators in bathrooms.

I totally understand that fear for your child makes you want to err on the side of caution, especially if trans is something you don't believe in or agree with. But, statistics don't lie- most trans individuals have been using the bathroom with their gender (not their birth sex) and you are hard-pressed to find instances where a trans person went into a bathroom and sexually assaulted a child. You do, however, find staggering statistics about cis-gendered men who dress as men sexually assaulting children.
So, logically (and statistically) the fear shouldn't be trans individuals' right to feel comfortable with something as basic as going to the bathroom, or even cis-gendered men pretending to be trans to get into women's restrooms, but it should be vigilance towards cis-gendered men dressed as men using bathrooms.

That all being said, I know where I'm posting. I know this will fall on deaf ears, and will honestly just fuel the near-constant ridicule of liberals, hippies, freaks, or pick you choice of label. So whatever, I just genuinely hope the people who are spewing the most hate never have a trans child. They will have enough to deal with in their life journey.
I bet we'll start seeing movies similar to:
Juwanna Mann
Sorority Boys
She's the man
That they identify as a different gender inside.
I would think they would have to come out to their parents and say that. I'm sure mom and dad aren't just going to go along with the perv plan to ogle girls, and that's only if the school allows that anyway. I'd bewailing to bet the schools err on the side of caution and make the tranny change in an individual location.
So just to sum up the easy answers so far for what transgender people have to do now to be allowed to use a bathroom of their choosing. Instead of just going about life as normal before without anyone knowing or caring.

Have to come out to their parents and friends to prove a history.
Be labeled/diagnosed by a doctor. Doesn't that imply there is something wrong with them??? Sort of sounds like what gay people, the Jews and Hester Prynne had to go through.
Have separate but equal accommodations.

Yeap, this is definitely the solution to a "problem" that didn't exist and no one cared about. Are internment camps next?
Uhhh... You guys are the ones complaining about them using the bathroom they identify with, even though it has been going on for years.
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There is no need to prove or disprove anything. You are not required to prove your man-ness to anyone, why should a trans man or woman?
And now, not only are the transgender being harassed, so are straight folks who are identifying with the gender they were born with, but do not appear "masculine" or "feminine" enough to the folks who feel the need to take it upon themselves to "fix the problem". Therefore, butch-looking women, un-masculine men are being harassed for using the bathroom of the gender they were born with.


Uhhh... please quote a post I made complaining about sharing a bathroom with a transgender person.

Hint: You won't find it. You can however find at least two posts saying I don't care about sharing a bathroom with a transgender person. When you learn to read you will also find that you believe transgender people should be labeled like Jews in Nazi Germany. Feel free to break out your white sheet whenever you'd like.
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And now, not only are the transgender being harassed, so are straight folks who are identifying with the gender they were born with, but do not appear "masculine" or "feminine" enough to the folks who feel the need to take it upon themselves to "fix the problem". Therefore, butch-looking women, un-masculine men are being harassed for using the bathroom of the gender they were born with.


So @sirdingydang and @LittleMissKnight?
And now, not only are the transgender being harassed, so are straight folks who are identifying with the gender they were born with, but do not appear "masculine" or "feminine" enough to the folks who feel the need to take it upon themselves to "fix the problem". Therefore, butch-looking women, un-masculine men are being harassed for using the bathroom of the gender they were born with.



Who really gets harrassed? I've never witnessed an example. I'll start carrying heavy dumbbells into the bathroom to show my machismo.
I know I lived 60 years as a hetro male, but really feel like a gay lactating female, Does that allow me to go into lactating rooms and feel like I am nursing a baby while gawking at the young women there?
And now, not only are the transgender being harassed, so are straight folks who are identifying with the gender they were born with, but do not appear "masculine" or "feminine" enough to the folks who feel the need to take it upon themselves to "fix the problem". Therefore, butch-looking women, un-masculine men are being harassed for using the bathroom of the gender they were born with.



Is this really happening? Or is this just an invented scenario by the Huff Po?

I've yet to meet anyone who would care if a butch woman or girly looking guy is using their own restroom. People do care about the prospect of a grown man walking into the women's restroom as their teenage daughter is in their alone, with no one blinking an eye since we've gone f*cking insane with PC nonsense.

Again, this probably WAS a non issue before. It's only BECOME an issue when the left wing wanted to stick their nose into this matter more, publicly push things that people MUST accept, and created an issue where there was none before.

You can really think the left wing culture zealots for this one.

Isn't it convenient that the last one had a video from an "activist" that just happened to feature a person that somehow had not one form of ID and a situation that the police just "happened" to be part of.

Just like the black pastor who sued Whole Foods, I don't believe any of these goddamn politically charged "claims" anymore. There are too many people willing to lie to advance their cause.
Isn't it convenient that the last one had a video from an "activist" that just happened to feature a person that somehow had not one form of ID and a situation that the police just "happened" to be part of.

Just like the black pastor who sued Whole Foods, I don't believe any of these goddamn politically charged "claims" anymore. There are too many people willing to lie to advance their cause.
Probably similar to the folks who are barging into the wrong restroom at Target to prove their agenda, too.
Is this really happening? Or is this just an invented scenario by the Huff Po?

I've yet to meet anyone who would care if a butch woman or girly looking guy is using their own restroom. People do care about the prospect of a grown man walking into the women's restroom as their teenage daughter is in their alone, with no one blinking an eye since we've gone f*cking insane with PC nonsense.

Again, this probably WAS a non issue before. It's only BECOME an issue when the left wing wanted to stick their nose into this matter more, publicly push things that people MUST accept, and created an issue where there was none before.

You can really think the left wing culture zealots for this one.
And what about a grown man being alone in the men's restroom with their sons?

And what about a grown man being alone in the men's restroom with their sons?


A teenage boy is going to be much more capable of fending off an asshole vs. a girl.

Do you see this issue here? The fact that all of this is now fair game is the product of this insane PC drive to elevate this issue beyond what it was before, as you've already correctly stated, was never an issue!
The argument of "I don't want some guy in there with my daughter" sucks because you're automatically being sexist and belittling women, assuming that they just cannot handle themselves in the event of an incident in a restroom. Nobody uses the "I don't want some woman in there with my son" argument regardless of the fact that it is as much a reality as the first scenario being proposed.

The argument of "trans people have been using whatever restroom they want for years and you never noticed" sucks because what the fukc changed that made it so important for you (them) to come out and say "I want all of you to know that I'm using XYZ restroom"? Yes, equality, rah rah rah, but in the spirit of all things being equal, who the fukc cares? It's a restroom. You're either standing up taking a piss or sitting down taking a shit and playing on your phone. But it all lasts a few minutes. Is it really worth it to go on this hell or high water crusade over where you wanna check your email while you take a fukcing MEGADUMP?

Also, notice how this isn't news in Walmart...

So my point is that both sides have a point. Everybody has a point and if everybody has a point, then nobody has a point. This argument is stupid and dumb.
Nope just gives access...
Nonsense. It was always illegal, and still is illegal, to be a perverted predator in the bathroom of the opposite sex.

Why weren't Republicans ever concerned about it prior to it becoming a transgender issue? You’re a fearful bunch, but I don’t ever recall any Republican mentioning this particular fear before it became a political divide revolving around transgenders.
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Is this really happening? Or is this just an invented scenario by the Huff Po?

I've yet to meet anyone who would care if a butch woman or girly looking guy is using their own restroom. People do care about the prospect of a grown man walking into the women's restroom as their teenage daughter is in their alone, with no one blinking an eye since we've gone f*cking insane with PC nonsense.

Again, this probably WAS a non issue before. It's only BECOME an issue when the left wing wanted to stick their nose into this matter more, publicly push things that people MUST accept, and created an issue where there was none before.

You can really think the left wing culture zealots for this one.
Uhhhh...left wing zealots are to blame for North Carolina's backwards right-wing government signing a law that prohibits transgenders from using the bathroom they are comfortable with? I suppose rape victims are just asking for it if they are wearing a skirt, too.
Nonsense. It was always illegal, and still is illegal, to be a perverted predator in the bathroom of the opposite sex.

Why weren't Republicans ever concerned about it prior to it becoming a transgender issue? You’re a fearful bunch, but I don’t ever recall any Republican mentioning this particular fear before it became a political divide revolving around transgenders.

You realize you're making the same argument Republicans use on gun control right? Murder is still illegal so why the need for Killary to have gun control? If you don't at least state the "rules" then any clown in a dress can use the women's restrooms. You don't have to watch the local news very long to see how many weirdos are around.

In reality if this was left alone it would be a non-issue. I can see the requirement to have 3 bathrooms coming.
Uhhhh...left wing zealots are to blame for North Carolina's backwards right-wing government signing a law that prohibits transgenders from using the bathroom they are comfortable with? I suppose rape victims are just asking for it if they are wearing a skirt, too.

If you had a brain you'd realize that I'm referring to the asinine Obama "executive guidance" that went far beyond NC.
I'd be happy if they fired TSA from the airports and replaced them with competent security professionals. Let Wal-Mart and Target employ TSA in checkpoints before you enter the restroom. You got through those scanners. They see what you've got down there. Junk to the left, No junk to the right. Even they could handle that.
I'd be happy if they fired TSA from the airports and replaced them with competent security professionals. Let Wal-Mart and Target employ TSA in checkpoints before you enter the restroom. You got through those scanners. They see what you've got down there. Junk to the left, No junk to the right. Even they could handle that.

Seems like a solid $15/ hour job*

(but what about tipping)
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