There’s just no way that you can compare our relationship in the 50s and during the time of the Cuban missile crisis to now. Maybe they cannot be trusted, but Trump was certainly trying to improve our relationship with them until the whole collusion debacle killed any chance of thatThe Russians are absolutely our enemy. They actively try to subvert the US and our interests at every chance they get.
Putin was the head of the KGB during much of the Cold War. He remembers the glory days of Russia and if you think he wouldn't love to see the US reduced to nothing, you've got another thing coming.
You're obviously a young guy. Shookster, like me, grew up during the Cold War. One thing we learned, NEVER trust the Russians, EVER. EVER.
Superpowers should get along. Our relationship with Russia is no worse than many other countries. It’s so great with China??
Additionally, this thread isn’t even about this, but Shookster likes to go on tangents
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