Is that the best you can do this morning, Wayne? For what it's worth, I'm certainly no fan of Trump so if that makes me a "partisan hack" in your world, okie-doakie: Guilty as charged.
But it is important to point out that many of us "partisan hacks" were skeptical of your and your red hat buddies' feel-good vibes about this farce. The very notion that we'd give Yung-un an international spotlight without some serious pre-summit conditions that had to be met was mind-boggling. THEN we engage in an initial summit that produced ZIP except for verbal assurances from Trump that NK's nuclear threat "was over."
But -- of course -- once it came down to actually making an honest-to-goodness commitment to denuclearize, NK backed off.
What a shocker, right guys?
I will at least give the Trump Administration credit for not falling for Kim Yung-un's request in the second summit to remove some of our sanctions while NK 'thinks some more' about denuclearizing.