Real Leadership in times of Crisis

Reading comprehension clearly isn't your strong suit. Dr. Fauchi said OUR SYSTEM COULD BE CHANGED.

Gee, I wonder who could do that immediately by Executive Order??!?
Turns out all it took was for Trump to declare a national emergency. What took so long?
It to be a national emergency on why it took so long? We can't shut down everything for every little virus.
It turns out that the conditions that go into effect with a national emergency meant that Trump could instantly change the system that required each test to be pre-approved by a physician. Now we'll be able to look at drive-in testing centers like other countries.
As of January there was no test kit, the FDIC got approval for it done in record time. and the company has managed to put out over 1 mil of them in 6 or 8 weeks. People who think we somehow should have had a kit ready, for an virus that wasn't even known to exist are just idiots.
It turns out that the conditions that go into effect with a national emergency meant that Trump could instantly change the system that required each test to be pre-approved by a physician. Now we'll be able to look at drive-in testing centers like other countries.

Drive in centers would have been a total waste of time a month ago. We didn't have anywhere near enough test kits.
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As of January there was no test kit, the FDIC got approval for it done in record time. and the company has managed to put out over 1 mil of them in 6 or 8 weeks. People who think we somehow should have had a kit ready, for an virus that wasn't even known to exist are just idiots.

Kindly shut the fuk up if you obviously know nothing about the subject on which you are speaking. We don't need misinformation right now
People who think we somehow should have had a kit ready, for an virus that wasn't even known to exist are just idiots.
Why spend precious time developing our own test and testing kit when one was already in production and being used worldwide?
With Trump, with anything good that happens: "It's all about ME, baby!" and when it's bad, he responds with this kind of weasel sh*t:


Can't, it's a subscription based teaching video series for medical personnel, but here's an overview:

"In MedCram 27 [~ 1 minute] 9 days ago, Dr. Scheult says that one kind of test has a 30% false negative rate. CT has a 3% false negative rate. In MedCram 32 [55 seconds], he says that South Korea is using a type of test with a false negative rate under 5%. Do you think Korea executed these tests cheaply?"
Can't, it's a subscription based teaching video series for medical personnel
Weird that you found something so a subscription-based teaching video.

When all is said and done, some investigative journalist has an interesting story surrounding this decision. My gut tells me that the answer will be found in who owns stock in the American pharmaceutical company responsible for developing our test.
Except China locked down entire cities. The entire country of Italy is essentially shut down right now. We haven't remotely done the things China has done and many people have said we haven't tested nearly enough people. We can't expect to get China's results when our approach is entirely different from theirs.

I am raising this post again since two different researchers on NPR this weekend said that the Chinese government cause tons of needless deaths in Wuhan by their actions to blockade the city. The mortality rate in the rest of China is nowhere near Wuhan.

But we should mimic China and stuff
I would guess this is just propaganda meant for their people. They have as much to lose as we do if they jeapordize our economy.

They are still trying to toss weight around with trade negotiations. For all the Trump hate, any trade movement in our favor is something that didn't happen with previous administrations.
I am raising this post again since two different researchers on NPR this weekend said that the Chinese government cause tons of needless deaths in Wuhan by their actions to blockade the city. The mortality rate in the rest of China is nowhere near Wuhan.

But we should mimic China and stuff

But wouldnt that mean that locking down Wuhan helped it not to spread as much to other areas? And by the way, I never said we should mimic China, I said we can't expect the same type of results if we are taking a completely different approach. Maybe, and hopefully we will have a better approach. For some reason you keep missing the point of my post, even though I have already told you this.

Both France and Spain essentially locked down their countries today as well, only medical facilities, grocery stores, and banks are allowed to be open in Spain, just an FYI.
But wouldnt that mean that locking down Wuhan helped it not to spread as much to other areas? And by the way, I never said we should mimic China, I said we can't expect the same type of results if we are taking a completely different approach. Maybe, and hopefully we will have a better approach. For some reason you keep missing the point of my post, even though I have already told you this.

Both France and Spain essentially locked down their countries today as well, only medical facilities, grocery stores, and banks are allowed to be open in Spain, just an FYI.

China literally said nothing in or out. It’s now documented that MANY people died from basic lack of medicine due to this.

Let me be clear: fu*k China. I trust nothing they say, I take no lessons from anything they did, and they should answer for this since they threw the doctors in jail who raised the alarm bells.

They killed people in Wuhan to keep this under wraps. That’s now irrefutable.
China literally said nothing in or out. It’s now documented that MANY people died from basic lack of medicine due to this.

Let me be clear: fu*k China. I trust nothing they say, I take no lessons from anything they did, and they should answer for this since they threw the doctors in jail who raised the alarm bells.

They killed people in Wuhan to keep this under wraps. That’s now irrefutable.

People in Italy are dying because of basic lack of medicine and care as well, and that is the concern here as well. I heard last night, that our entire country only has 72,000 respirators. If this does spread to hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, we are going to have people die too because we dont have the supplies to handle it.

Again, nobody is defending China.
Screw China. Time to cut them off and make our own products. I can’t believe that they make almost all our antibiotics
People in Italy are dying because of basic lack of medicine and care as well, and that is the concern here as well. I heard last night, that our entire country only has 72,000 respirators. If this does spread to hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, we are going to have people die too because we dont have the supplies to handle it.

Again, nobody is defending China.
We have plenty of respirators for this. Stop talking about stuff that you have no idea what you’re talking about

I have about 3 friends who are respiratory therapists. We don’t live in the freaking Congo

You’re panicking. We aren’t going to wake up to 100,000 cases that need ventilators tomorrow
We have plenty of respirators for this. Stop talking about stuff that you have no idea what you’re talking about

I have about 3 friends who are respiratory therapists. We don’t live in the freaking Congo

You’re panicking. We aren’t going to wake up to 100,000 cases that need ventilators tomorrow

Oh, well if you have 3 friends who are respiratory therapists then I guess you are the expert and we are all good.

I am not panicking, am I also not taking it lightly. And yes, the concern that our healthcare system could overwhelmed is most certainly a concern. I will stick with the actual experts on this, and not someone who has 3 friends who are respiratory therapists.
Oh, well if you have 3 friends who are respiratory therapists then I guess you are the expert and we are all good.

I am not panicking, am I also not taking it lightly. And yes, the concern that our healthcare system could overwhelmed is most certainly a concern. I will stick with the actual experts on this, and not someone who has 3 friends who are respiratory therapists.
Dude, you are dumb. I work in the medical field and my first profession was in that. Are you aware that countless thousands of functioning ventilators are in storage that can be easily mobilized? Duh

You’re a retired panic ball. Stop posting on things that you know nothing about
Dude, you are dumb. I work in the medical field and my first profession was in that. Are you aware that countless thousands of functioning ventilators are in storage that can be easily mobilized? Duh

You’re a retired panic ball. Stop posting on things that you know nothing about

How about you just go **** yourself, and I will listen to the experts and not some nerd on a college sports message board, that sound good?
Oh, well if you have 3 friends who are respiratory therapists then I guess you are the expert and we are all good.

I am not panicking, am I also not taking it lightly. And yes, the concern that our healthcare system could overwhelmed is most certainly a concern. I will stick with the actual experts on this, and not someone who has 3 friends who are respiratory therapists.
Oh, well if you have 3 friends who are respiratory therapists then I guess you are the expert and we are all good.

I am not panicking, am I also not taking it lightly. And yes, the concern that our healthcare system could overwhelmed is most certainly a concern. I will stick with the actual experts on this, and not someone who has 3 friends who are respiratory therapists.
So.. what are your qualifications? You watch CNN

You tried the Martin/Zimmerman case and swung and missed

You post just to see yourself type
How about you just go **** yourself, and I will listen to the experts and not some nerd on a college sports message board, that sound good?
Ohhh. Hit a nerve. Why don’t you go change your diaper now
How about you just go **** yourself, and I will listen to the experts and not some nerd on a college sports message board, that sound good?
Your experts are whoever fits your narrative
Ohhh. Hit a nerve. Why don’t you go change your diaper now

You didnt hit a nerve at all, I could care less about you, but if you want to insult people you can expect it right back, understand how that works?
And yours are 3 friends who I would assume arent experts in pandemics.
So.. China, a 3rd world country that’s been dealing with this for how long?? We have enough ventilators for them

Now, we can’t supply the USA which has such a minimal number, but will grow to 100,000 in a week
Stupid ass


The real answer is nobody knows, but it’s waaaaay more than we need

However, the need for ventilation services during a severe pandemic could quickly overwhelm these day-today operational capabilities. During a severe influenza pandemic, it has been projected that the demand for assisted ventilation in hospitals could increase by 25% or more.2

That is from your own link, so thanks for proving my point.