Real Leadership in times of Crisis

just need to encourage them to stay away from crowds and continue practicing safe hygiene. Luckily, mine don’t need to leave the house all the time.

Im trying to make sure they take it seriously, my mom will, but my dad is one of those people that always wants to be out of the house. I know everyone is worried about the economy, and I certainly dont want to trivalize that, but it's starting to feel like we might need to shut some things down for a couple of weeks and try our best to convince people to stay at home as much as they can. The economy will recover, but it will recover quicker the more we get this under control.
Is anyone paying attention to what is happening in Italy? They are literally setting up triage like facilities because their medical facilities are so overwhelmed. They are about 10 days ahead of us from when it was first reported there, so hopefully we end up more like S Korea than Italy, but S Korea seemed a lot more prepared than us or Italy. People trying to compare this to the flu need to realize this is something different.

Not worried. Unless you're old you will recover fast.
Trump doesn't give a sh*t about the corona virus other than how it hurts his reelection bid.

No matter what's going on, he plays golf at one of his resorts just about every single weekend -- on the taxpayer's dime of course.
I don’t know. Sounded pretty sincere last night in his speech. Golf outings aside, I’m sure he’s still working more hours than most any other past presidents. Trump is working on this ATC and handling it admirably. That why there are ONLY 30 deaths and most from the Washington State nursing home in a country of 329 million. 1,100 plus cases
I don’t know. Sounded pretty sincere last night in his speech. Golf outings aside, I’m sure he’s still working more hours than most any other past presidents. Trump is working on this ATC and handling it admirably. That why there are ONLY 30 deaths and most from the Washington State nursing home in a country of 329 million. 1,100 plus cases

Shookster is a deranged, senile degernate who has already proven he’s not worth responding to
Trumps speech was a swing and a miss from a man who still doesn't get the problem.

Our response should be 100% health related at this point. We need to beef up ICU infrastructure, build empty buildings into temporary hospitals, prepare medical staff, loosen regulations to allow for more people to be treated. Shut down all nonessential events.

What we got was low interest loans through the SBA and payroll tax cuts and a travel ban to Europe when most of our cases are already here. Worry about the economy after people's lives aren't at risk. Right now we need a health response not an economic recovery
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Trump shit the bed last night. This is gonna get way worse, give it a week.
Trumps speech was a swing and a miss from a man who still doesn't get the problem.

Our response should be 100% health related at this point. We need to beef up ICU infrastructure, build empty buildings into temporary hospitals, prepare medical staff, loosen regulations to allow for more people to be treated. Shut down all nonessential events.

What we got was low interest loans through the SBA and payroll tax cuts and a travel ban to Europe when most of our cases are already here. Worry about the economy after people's lives aren't at risk. Right now we need a health response not an economic recovery

Exactly. The economy will recover, we can worry about that after this is contained. Plus, the more the spreads and longer it is an issue the longer the economy struggles. First things first.
Also, we should keep in mind we currently have a national emergency declared at the southern border but nothing on the pandemic.
Trumps speech was a swing and a miss from a man who still doesn't get the problem.

Our response should be 100% health related at this point. We need to beef up ICU infrastructure, build empty buildings into temporary hospitals, prepare medical staff, loosen regulations to allow for more people to be treated. Shut down all nonessential events.

What we got was low interest loans through the SBA and payroll tax cuts and a travel ban to Europe when most of our cases are already here. Worry about the economy after people's lives aren't at risk. Right now we need a health response not an economic recovery

Let's step off the ledge a bit. You're talking like getting the Corona is a death sentence. Trump's comments are to help with the economic blow... nothing more.
Let's step off the ledge a bit. You're talking like getting the Corona is a death sentence. Trump's comments are to help with the economic blow... nothing more.
Our medical system will be over run. We won't have the ventilators or beds needed. Our response should be to limit spread and to prepare our healthcare system. Economic recovery is not the issue right now. You won't be able to fix the economy with the health crisis still active.
Trump is DOING a great job. Sure., he doesn’t always SAY the right things as far as presentation, but the usual TDS sufferers are criticizing him without basis
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Our response should be 100% health related at this point. We need to beef up ICU infrastructure, build empty buildings into temporary hospitals, prepare medical staff, loosen regulations to allow for more people to be treated. Shut down all nonessential events.
No we don’t. Not for 1,100 cases and 30 deaths

We need to listen to what that physician is telling us. Work on containment and that’s what Trump is doing. You’re unnecessarily creating a national panic
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No we don’t. Not for 1,100 cases and 30 deaths

We need to listen to what that physician is telling us. Work on containment and that’s what Trump is doing. You’re unnecessarily creating a national panic

It isn't just going to be 1100 cases and 30 deaths though, and we know that. The way to contain a virus like this is to be out in front of it and contain it before it spreads everywhere. Just look at what is happening in Italy where there medical facilities are so overwhelmed people are literally dying simply because they don't have the ability to treat everyone. We don't want that to be the case here.
How did he shit the bed? Is he supposed to create a panic?

He's to suppose to calm the nation, lay out a plan, guide the American citizens as to what they should do/not do and most of all bring us together as ONE nation. With Trump everything is a zero sum game. I win, you lose! Us vs Them! You can't possible unite a country when you spend all your time attacking half it.
It isn't just going to be 1100 cases and 30 deaths though, and we know that. The way to contain a virus like this is to be out in front of it and contain it before it spreads everywhere. Just look at what is happening in Italy where there medical facilities are so overwhelmed people are literally dying simply because they don't have the ability to treat everyone. We don't want that to be the case here.

Our curve is following Italy's by about a week. Domestic travel and the borders will probably be shut down by next weekend.
Our curve is following Italy's by about a week. Domestic travel and the borders will probably be shut down by next weekend.

Yeah, I think I read we were basically 10 days behind Italy, which would basically mean sometime next week we could be in a similar to position as them.
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Hopefully Trump will keep his big ass off of a golf course for the next several weeks. Can you imagine the bitchy tweets we would get if Barry was out there golfing during a pandemic!?!?

The hypocrisy is just mind blowing.

I just can't imagine worrying about the goddamn stock market when people are dying.
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Yeah, I think I read we were basically 10 days behind Italy, which would basically mean sometime next week we could be in a similar to position as them.

We're 10 days behind, says who? We have hard data already proving that COVI19 has been transmitting freely in places like Seattle and CA for up to 7-10 weeks. Or more. Things are worse there for sure but we've yet to see a run on ICU beds or people dying at any higher rates, generally speaking.

We're going to see more cases. That doesn't necessarily mean we'll be Italy in a week. Italy has a terrible combo given it has one of the oldest populations in the world and some of the highest smoking rates.
We're 10 days behind, says who? We have hard data already proving that COVI19 has been transmitting freely in places like Seattle and CA for up to 7-10 weeks. Or more. Things are worse there for sure but we've yet to see a run on ICU beds or people dying at any higher rates, generally speaking.

We're going to see more cases. That doesn't necessarily mean we'll be Italy in a week. Italy has a terrible combo given it has one of the oldest populations in the world and some of the highest smoking rates.
How many cases do you think we'll have a week from now. I'd like to see a prediction from you so you can have a record of just how much you don't understand this spread.
We're 10 days behind, says who? We have hard data already proving that COVI19 has been transmitting freely in places like Seattle and CA for up to 7-10 weeks. Or more. Things are worse there for sure but we've yet to see a run on ICU beds or people dying at any higher rates, generally speaking.

We're going to see more cases. That doesn't necessarily mean we'll be Italy in a week. Italy has a terrible combo given it has one of the oldest populations in the world and some of the highest smoking rates.

I hope we aren't Italy in a week. But the people who are still brushing this off as no big deal most certainly need to be paying attention to Italy, because it is certainly possible parts of this country could be in that situation if we aren't careful.
Simply put, the markets are responding to the fact this Administration has been addressing this health crisis as a public relations issue.
How many cases do you think we'll have a week from now. I'd like to see a prediction from you so you can have a record of just how much you don't understand this spread.

I literally just said we're going to see more cases, dumbass. More cases does not necessarily equal run on ICUs. There are already thousands of unreported cases out there.
I hope we aren't Italy in a week. But the people who are still brushing this off as no big deal most certainly need to be paying attention to Italy, because it is certainly possible parts of this country could be in that situation if we aren't careful.

I'm not saying parts of the country couldn't experience a run on ICUs and people dying who are in the high risk zone. I just don't think this "10 day lag" is accurate based upon what we already know (i.e. community spread for WEEKS already).