So, in your mind, the day before the baby is born, even though it is essentially the same as the day it is born, it is simply a piece of it's mother. No different than a wart or pimple and thus whatever the mother wants to do with it is perfectly acceptable. Even though you could perform a c-section on that day and the baby would be no different than the natural birth the next day.
I can live with your stance but it sure feels dirty as hell. It sure as hell feels like we should be saying that the woman bearing this miracle of human life at the point that it is a viable human life has even more responsibility towards protecting that life and yet your argument is that it's not a human life until it is no longer in the womb. I simply can't square that discord, and apparently neither can you as you throw it off to "woman's choice."
Let me ask you, once they're born, are you for absolute parental rights or do you believe that the government then has the right and responsibility to infringe on parental rights?