So you Trump supporters have finally given up right?

I don't know about "most reckless" ,but most clueless, that I could believe. In fact, one could argue that the warmongering Obama/Hillary getting us into all sorts of interventions and wars are far more reckless than Trump is indicating on his foreign affairs policies - at least the little bit he's talked about in between insults.

How about we stop warmongering with the Russians to start? Shame on Hillary/Obama. The nastiness and warmongering that comes from the US towards Russia is an embarrassment and unneeded.


Boston's trying to compete with coke and boob over the most drunk post of the year.
Oh damn....that's gonna leave a mark:

"Fifty former national security officials, all of whom have served under Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush, have signed a letter calling Donald J. Trump unqualified to be president and warning that, if elected, “he would be the most reckless President in American history.”

Former GOP national security officials: Trump would be ‘most reckless’ American president in history

This just sounds like the best Comedy Central show ever. I can't wait! #Trump2016
Wait, I thought ppl complained about Obama Inc. being too nice with Russia, especially the Ukraine stuff?

That was before there was a deranged lunatic nominated for President who just happens to have people around him who have all worked for, or made money with, Putin allies and associates. Trump's campaign manager used to work for the asshole ex-President of Ukraine who massacred his own people in 2014 before fleeing to Moscow.

Russia is shooting down commercial airliners and people like Boston are whining that we're being meanies vs. poor lil Russia.
I don't know about "most reckless" ,but most clueless, that I could believe. In fact, one could argue that the warmongering Obama/Hillary getting us into all sorts of interventions and wars are far more reckless than Trump is indicating on his foreign affairs policies - at least the little bit he's talked about in between insults.

How about we stop warmongering with the Russians to start? Shame on Hillary/Obama. The nastiness and warmongering that comes from the US towards Russia is an embarrassment and unneeded.

Warmongering? Please tell me what foreign lands we have invaded in the past 8 years? Air strikes against ISIS and drones against other terrorists is pretty much it. If anything we may not have done enough. But please continue to make up your own narrative. Right out of the Trump playbook.
Air & drone bombing is warring & therefore warmongering. You create terrorists when you bomb their homelands. That's out of the Libertarian playbook. People used to be against war you know once upon a time when evil bush did it.

Where did ISIS get their stuff? Why does ISIS exist? Now back to popping those blue pills reading pro federal gov't is infallible + the Republican & Democrats are different instead asking the questions behind the questions. I'll take Saddam over ISIS. They don't "hate us because we're """"free""""" morons.
ISIS exists because Syria went into a free fall civil war, with no intervention or threat of force from anyone, and effectively created a massive ungoverned space of land for which the previously subdued Islamic State plotters could move in and set up shop.

Then they returned to Iraq with 10,000 fighters.
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Warmongering? Please tell me what foreign lands we have invaded in the past 8 years? Air strikes against ISIS and drones against other terrorists is pretty much it. If anything we may not have done enough. But please continue to make up your own narrative. Right out of the Trump playbook.

So you're only a war monger if people are killed by soldiers on the ground? Lybia, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq twice, they supported the Arab Spring, etc, etc, etc.
ISIS exists because Syria went into a free fall civil war, with no intervention or threat of force from anyone, and effectively created a massive ungoverned space of land for which the previously subdued Islamic State plotters could move in and set up shop.

Then they returned to Iraq with 10,000 fighters.
I'll play along. Where'd they get their weapons?
I'll play along. Where'd they get their weapons?

Well, initially they were armed from Syrian Army stockpiles that were abandoned or captured, or they received arms from Rebel Groups who at that time had Russian made weaponry.

When they went into Iraq, and the Iraqi Army ran like girls, they got their hands on US made stuff that was left behind. Mostly small arms and Humvees, and a few Bradleys that they didn't know how to operate, and were taken out in the first round of air attacks.

Most every picture of ISIS fighters has them holding AK's and riding in shitty trucks.

Well, initially they were armed from Syrian Army stockpiles that were abandoned or captured, or they received arms from Rebel Groups who at that time had Russian made weaponry.

When they went into Iraq, and the Iraqi Army ran like girls, they got their hands on US made stuff that was left behind. Mostly small arms and Humvees, and a few Bradleys that they didn't know how to operate, and were taken out in the first round of air attacks.

Most every picture of ISIS fighters has them holding AK's and riding in shitty trucks.

Oh just admit it, 85cucker! You and your military industrial complex string pulling incucksters, I meant investors are just profiting off the misery of the Average Mohammad and Average Joes!
Oh just admit it, 85cucker! You and your military industrial complex string pulling incucksters, I meant investors are just profiting off the misery of the Average Mohammad and Average Joes!

Secret plot #2: let a bunch of Abrams and Apaches "go missing" near Syria!
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What's inaccurate about it?
I'm going to guess he's reading into your statement an assertion that Trump argued for banning Muslim immigration for all time. I haven't read any recent statements, but at the beginning, Trump argued for banning it until we could set up a vetting process that could somewhat reliably through up flags on ISIS operatives. Which should be a reasonable policy in any sane society given that ISIS has promised to send operatives over, has done so in other countries, and those operatives in other countries have aided, abetted, or committed violent and deadly acts.
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I'm going to guess he's reading into your statement an assertion that Trump argued for banning Muslim immigration for all time. I haven't read any recent statements, but at the beginning, Trump argued for banning it until we could set up a vetting process that could somewhat reliably through up flags on ISIS operatives. Which should be a reasonable policy in any sane society given that ISIS has promised to send operatives over, has done so in other countries, and those operatives in other countries have aided, abetted, or committed violent and deadly acts.

Here's the thing though, we already do thorough investigations on refugees and anyone coming from that part of the world. Trump doesn't know it or understand that because he's never been a part of the political or bureaucratic process that goes with it. I know ppl who work in the industry and the redtape that comes with refugee or immigrant admittance is huge. We are talking about investigations and paperwork that take months to years before they are finished.

What ppl don't understand is terrorists are not going to go through the process. It takes to long.
So you're only a war monger if people are killed by soldiers on the ground? Lybia, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq twice, they supported the Arab Spring, etc, etc, etc.

So we should just let these groups just establish footholds and training camps in failed states? Given enough time they will endanger Americans and American interests.

Sorry, but I wouldn't consider targeted air and drone strikes war mongering. Hundreds to thousands are not dying on both sides. More like necessary tactical intervention. It's the reality of the world we live in.
Oh just admit it, 85cucker! You and your military industrial complex string pulling incucksters, I meant investors are just profiting off the misery of the Average Mohammad and Average Joes!
Nah, the world is safer now that Saddam & his WMD stockpile has been neutralized & our ally Osama Bin Laden had defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan! How people don't recognize OBVIOUS patterns blows my mind. On to the next war that has to be sold:

Assad must go!
Please explain how he made Libya a failed state and what he should have done to prevent it from occurring?

You're joking right?

Obama and Hillary, with the help of the French, basically campaigned to commit NATO to bomb Ghadaffi out of existence without giving 2 shits about what happens on the ground after he and his forces are deposed of. We'd bomb the military assets and leave whatever happens on the ground to the birds.

They basically eliminated a strong man dictator in a country overrun with Jihadists and would-be warring factions, and hosted a champagne party afterwards to celebrate. Hillary went on TV to boast about being a badass.

The end result is that we now have 2 rival governments, neither of which are legit, a large amount of land controlled by ISIS, part of the country controlled by AQAP, and a failed state.
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You're joking right?

Obama and Hillary, with the help of the French, basically campaigned to commit NATO to bomb Ghadaffi out of existence without giving 2 shits about what happens on the ground after he and his forces are deposed of. We'd bomb the military assets and leave whatever happens on the ground to the birds.

They basically eliminated a strong man dictator in a country overrun with Jihadists and would-be warring factions, and hosted a champagne party afterwards to celebrate. Hillary went on TV to boast about being a badass.

The end result is that we now have 2 rival governments, neither of which are legit, a large amount of land controlled by ISIS, part of the country controlled by AQAP, and a failed state.
So they followed Bush's lead.
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Ummm. Did Trump imply someone should shoot Hillary?

Trump on Clinton: "If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks." Adds, "Though the second amendment folks, maybe there is..."

That's probably the only good thing we'll get out of Hillary is gun control. Which is ironic since her record on warmongering is pretty stellar.
Supporting Trump only because he's better than Hillary isn't even honest unless you weren't supporting him until he won the primary. He was the least presidential in the field and if you supported him then, that's your opinion but don't use Clinton to validate your questionable judgement.
When Drump becomes president, he should have a radio morning show. I'm thinking Rush Limbaugh meets Dan Patrick. Call it "Donnie's Morning Trump: The POTUS with the MOTUS". Put that shit on XM and iHeart Radio. Should have also a tv simulcast on the Audience Channel.

First guest should be Dennis Rodman and they should talk about North Korean politics while eating a taco bowl and drinking Tecate, shooting darts at a picture of El Chapo. If you don't picture that and immediately think "RATINGS BONANZA" then there's something really wrong with you.
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I laugh at this penis vs vagina argument. Either way it goes, USA is screwed by an old fart.
Trump is down to being up 3% in KANSAS; a state that Romney won by 22% without even the slightest attempt at campaigning there.

This is how the 2008 Kansas election results map looked like:


Only an asshat of epic proportions could manage to turn the deepest of red states into giant question marks.

Que Sir G reminding us that only Trump could have beaten HIllary!
85 your obviously not to bright so I will speal it out for you and tyep real slow: tell me again who was going to beat Hillary? Boring Jeb? Marco? I have posted many times from my yacht that if a republican ever wins an election than it will be the day. National polls mean nothing. I've saw Rubio team up with Shumer on granting illegals amnasty. Trump is closer to Reagan than anyone you would have voted for this year.