2024 Election Thread

You’re totally right. We’ll use you as the base alloy example of what’s normal.
Personal insults by Adolf Shuckler?


Multiple posts in a row by Adolf Shuckler?


Imagine quoting 4-5 paragraphs in the same response (Adolf) and thinking by just breaking it up that way, it’s so different than replying to different parts of one post with multiple replies. Which I did.

That’s the mentality that we are dealing with here.
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It should be interesting to hear former President Obama tonight. When Kamala was endorsed by Biden, rumor had it -- publicly started by the talking heads at Fox News -- that Obama wasn't happy about it.

Their 'ace' news reporters came to that conclusion when Obama didn't immediately endorse her like Hillary and Bill did. To be fair, Harris and Obama have been friends for decades and Barack and Michelle publicly endorsed Kamala a few days after her candidacy kicked off, but you never know.

I never heard if that info satisfied the Fox News pundits. Who knows? Maybe those guys know something the rest of us don't. Maybe he'll shock the delegates and angerly slam Kamala tonight. I guess we'll find out....the tension mounts...
Watching last night's DNC, I couldn't help but feel a sea change washing over our political landscape. Hope, pride, and excitement for our future is replacing gloom, doom, and vitriol.

Kamala's campaign has completely reversed the script. And Trump knows it. His tired, old arguments are falling on deaf ears. If you've listened to his stump speeches the last two days, you see a guy with zero energy; he's simply going through the motions.

The contrast in the messages and the outlook for America couldn't be more stark. One of the messages from last night: We can disagree without being disagreeable.
Watching last night's DNC, I couldn't help but feel a sea change washing over our political landscape. Hope, pride, and excitement for our future is replacing gloom, doom, and vitriol.

Kamala's campaign has completely reversed the script. And Trump knows it. His tired, old arguments are falling on deaf ears. If you've listened to his stump speeches the last two days, you see a guy with zero energy; he's simply going through the motions.

The contrast in the messages and the outlook for America couldn't be more stark. One of the messages from last night: We can disagree without being disagreeable.
> be leftoid cultist
> control the white house 12 of the last 16 years
> "wow it'll be so different if we win"

i genuinely think leftists have this notion that Bush and Trump were the last two Presidents
I always get a bit sad when I see Obama speak. I miss the days when he was president, when I was proud of how our country was represented to the rest of the world
generational political orator ..what a back to back that was w Michelle followed by him. My favorite thing about him is you can tell how aware he is of the culture and the current state of this country. His defense and vision of a multiracial Democracy. 🇺🇸
I always get a bit sad when I see Obama speak. I miss the days when he was president, when I was proud of how our country was represented to the rest of the world
generational political orator ..what a back to back that was w Michelle followed by him. My favorite thing about him is you can tell how aware he is of the culture and the current state of this country. His defense and vision of a multiracial Democracy.
When you step away from all the gloom and doom angst from the MAGA crowd, it's actually pretty remarkable that our nation has been able to survive as the country has grown to become an increasingly multiracial democracy.
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looks like RFK might drop out Friday and endorse Trump. He was shopping his endorsement to the Harris campaign a few weeks ago in exchange for a guarantee of a cabinet position. He just qualified to appear on the Arizona ballot but his campaign is running out of money.
everyone knows they only oppose voter ID because it would make it harder to cheat

nobody loves following rules more than leftists. fat neckbeards like @NinjaKnight already work for the gov’t, @DaShuckster fantasizes about working at a children’s DMV, and @Cubs79 lives to drop off their tacos so they can recuperate from a long day of “ACKSHUALLY THE POLICY IS…” tantrums
Over 90% of Trump's closest advisors from his 1st term, people who directly benefitted from his rise to power, refuse to endorse him now.

How fūcking stupid do you have to be in order to still be a Republican in 2024?

This isn't even about policy or political leanings at this point, it's about literal inbreds vs normal people. We are talking about actual kool-aid drinking basement floor IQ inbred level cultists against normal Americans.

Over 90% of Trump's closest advisors from his 1st term, people who directly benefitted from his rise to power, refuse to endorse him now.
I thought "Coach" Tim Walz' speech last night could have come from an old GOP convention. But the best line of the night came from Republican, Geoff Duncan, the former Lt. Governor of Georgia. He addressed his fellow Republicans watching on TV.

He said, "A vote for Kamala Harris doesn't make you a Democrat, it makes you a patriot."
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