Official "FC has tds and prays there is no cure" thread

I love how the best summary of someone who still supports Trump in 2020 is: listens to him on medical advice and drank aquarium cleaner

People this dumb are on this board, and allowed to vote.
So, the combo that liberals were screaming at Trump for, under the guise of pushing "false hope" and bullshit, is now basically being adopted as a treatment option in hospitals around the world.

With several successful small tests done and individual stories of success emerging.

But meh, that one dude ate his fish tank cleaner so TRUMP IZ MEANIE!!

The best rebuttal I've heard over this is that "people who need the drug cant get it now because it's being used for something else".

We aren't using HCQ for cleaning drains, we're using it to save lives.

Lefties must seriously be inbred idiots to attack the cure.
I love how the best summary of someone who still supports Trump in 2020 is: listens to him on medical advice and drank aquarium cleaner

People this dumb are on this board, and allowed to vote.
You have to be the dumbest motherfuker on this planet. You continuously talk to posters who have you on ignore. Are you that stupid? Not only shouldn’t you be allowed to vote, but you shouldn’t be allowed in this country
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You have to be the dumbest motherfuker on this planet. You continuously talk to posters who have you on ignore. Are you that stupid? Not only shouldn’t you be allowed to vote, but you shouldn’t be allowed in this country

Ahahaha [roll]

Says the openly inbred moron who can't get a job, yet has created 15 different accounts that I put on ignore each time, just like I'm doing now for this one.

You got mental issues bud, no wonder you support trump. Bye Felicia.
Yep, it appears as though the left wing extremists are on their heels.
The wife of the man who died said they did it after hearing Trump talk about it as a cure and realized they had a liquid form of it in their home.

Stupid? Very. But when you're POTUS and people trust what you say, it's why you can't pretend to be a scientist.
Had to bump this winning post
The best rebuttal I've heard over this is that "people who need the drug cant get it now because it's being used for something else".

We aren't using HCQ for cleaning drains, we're using it to save lives.

Lefties must seriously be inbred idiots to attack the cure.
Who attacked the cure?

Trump said this was FDA approved in under 24 hours, this is false. The FDA said they were going to start trials in under 24 hours, that's the first step of the process.

You posted a thread calling this a cure, this is false. There is no cure for coronavirus at this time.

You just called it a cure again in the post I'm quoting. Again, not medically true.

Everyone should be optimistic positive results but we just don't have the data on this yet. No one is ATTACKING it.
Who attacked the cure?

Trump said this was FDA approved in under 24 hours, this is false. The FDA said they were going to start trials in under 24 hours, that's the first step of the process.

You posted a thread calling this a cure, this is false. There is no cure for coronavirus at this time.

You just called it a cure again in the post I'm quoting. Again, not medically true.

Everyone should be optimistic positive results but we just don't have the data on this yet. No one is ATTACKING it.

Who's dumber? Crazyhole the flat earther, or you for trying to change the mind of a flat earther using facts and logic?
Who's dumber? Crazyhole the flat earther, or you for trying to change the mind of a flat earther using facts and logic?
He just makes shit up.

This is my first response in this thread about the treatment.

It's optimistic that there is a drug that increases recovery time.

The Japanese cure could save millions of lives.

A few posts later I got accused of wanting the death toll to be as high as possible.

He's hoping for this to be as bad as possible. The higher the death count, the happier he is

There is a severe disconnect with reality here.
He just makes shit up.

This is my first response in this thread about the treatment.

A few posts later I got accused of wanting the death toll to be as high as possible. There is a severe disconnect with reality here.

Yeah man. There's no point in trying to use facts and logic to debate someone who doesn't base their worldview on facts and logic. You might as well try to argue with a doorknob.
Lefties must seriously be inbred idiots to attack the cure.
The cure???!? Let me guess, you believe in "Q" and are a "Flat Earther" too, right?

Earlier today I listened to an interview with Dr. Fauci who, when asked about the malaria drug 'cure,' diplomatically replied that it is far too early to call it a real option in fighting the pandemic. As he's stated a million times, anecdotal evidence isn't the same as scientifically researched evidence. He also stated that when a drug hasn't been thoroughly tested for the virus it's being used to fight, there could be unexpected and unintended side-effects that, in some cases, could be as deadly as the disease it's meant to address.

There have been countless stories about how placebos have been used to successfully address patients' serious health issues. They provide anecdotal evidence of the power of the mind. Okay, yeah, the success rate ain't all that great, but, hey, it's been PROVEN to happen!!!

So given that compelling 'anecdotal evidence,' sugar pills could "just like that," every bit as much of "a cure" as anything we know about right now.
Who attacked the cure?

Trump said this was FDA approved in under 24 hours, this is false. The FDA said they were going to start trials in under 24 hours, that's the first step of the process.

You posted a thread calling this a cure, this is false. There is no cure for coronavirus at this time.

You just called it a cure again in the post I'm quoting. Again, not medically true.

Everyone should be optimistic positive results but we just don't have the data on this yet. No one is ATTACKING it.
It wasnt on this board. A friend of mine on facebook was upset at an article I posted about the success of HCQ because he has a friend with Lupus that now has to pay more for the drug. Ironically, I have an uncle with Lupus that takes the same drug and he's cool with paying a little bit more if it means other people dont die from covid-19
The cure???!? Let me guess, you believe in "Q" and are a "Flat Earther" too, right?

Earlier today I listened to an interview with Dr. Fauci who, when asked about the malaria drug 'cure,' diplomatically replied that it is far too early to call it a real option in fighting the pandemic. As he's stated a million times, anecdotal evidence isn't the same as scientifically researched evidence. He also stated that when a drug hasn't been thoroughly tested for the virus it's being used to fight, there could be unexpected and unintended side-effects that, in some cases, could be as deadly as the disease it's meant to address.

There have been countless stories about how placebos have been used to successfully address patients' serious health issues. They provide anecdotal evidence of the power of the mind. Okay, yeah, the success rate ain't all that great, but, hey, it's been PROVEN to happen!!!

So given that compelling 'anecdotal evidence,' sugar pills could "just like that," every bit as much of "a cure" as anything we know about right now.

You are really grasping if you call me a flat earther. More to the point, every clinical trial begins with anecdotal evidence, otherwise it would never be brought to trial. But by all means, provide some anecdotal evidence that placebos have been effective in treatment against the kung-flu
I guess the first one that comes to mind is why do rivers like the Mississippi or Nile flow towards the equator when elevation isnt enough to counter the curvature of the earth. Is gravitational pull greater at the equator than it is the further from it you get? Line of sight doesn't really explain it like the flat earthers try to claim, but it is kind of interesting to look at a globe with elevations, because it really doesn't make sense.

It's not about believing some crazy conspiracy theory, it's about not dismissing everything out of hand, which was the point in the OP.


You are really grasping if you call me a flat earther.
The cure???!? Let me guess, you believe in "Q" and are a "Flat Earther" too, right?

Earlier today I listened to an interview with Dr. Fauci who, when asked about the malaria drug 'cure,' diplomatically replied that it is far too early to call it a real option in fighting the pandemic. As he's stated a million times, anecdotal evidence isn't the same as scientifically researched evidence. He also stated that when a drug hasn't been thoroughly tested for the virus it's being used to fight, there could be unexpected and unintended side-effects that, in some cases, could be as deadly as the disease it's meant to address.

There have been countless stories about how placebos have been used to successfully address patients' serious health issues. They provide anecdotal evidence of the power of the mind. Okay, yeah, the success rate ain't all that great, but, hey, it's been PROVEN to happen!!!

So given that compelling 'anecdotal evidence,' sugar pills could "just like that," every bit as much of "a cure" as anything we know about right now.
It might be the cure at some point but it isn't the cure now.

The line on this topic is political and it's weird as ****. When Trump started taking this seriously everyone was on the same page that this was a serious issue. As soon as he started his back to work by Easter bit and his missteps and mismanagement became highlighted all the Trump foot soldiers are more concerned with downplaying it than they are listening to science. They need this to be nothing because Trump has bungled this and they are more concerned with political power than an appropriate response.
It might be the cure at some point but it isn't the cure now.

The line on this topic is political and it's weird as ****. When Trump started taking this seriously everyone was on the same page that this was a serious issue. As soon as he started his back to work by Easter bit and his missteps and mismanagement became highlighted all the Trump foot soldiers are more concerned with downplaying it than they are listening to science. They need this to be nothing because Trump has bungled this and they are more concerned with political power than an appropriate response.

So it might be a cure, but it isnt right now. How is that any different than saying it was here for a while, but we dont know that it was?
More to the point, every clinical trial worth a sh*t ENDS with scientifically verifiable evidence of 1) the drug's effectiveness; and 2) it's side-effects.
Be honest. If you or your wife comes down with this and you are near death, will you ask the doctor to give either of you HCQ?
Be honest. If you or your wife comes down with this and you are near death, will you ask the doctor to give either of you HCQ?
Literally no person is saying this is a hoax treatment option. It might be something good. I don't know what you are looking for from people. Everyone agrees it should be tested for safety and effectiveness.

What do you want us to say?
Be honest. If you or your wife comes down with this and you are near death, will you ask the doctor to give either of you HCQ?
Be honest. If you came down with this and ask for your "cure" drug, would the doctor and the hospital require you to sign a sworn statement that you or your family will not sue if you die or suffer serious side-effects from the drug?
Literally no person is saying this is a hoax treatment option. It might be something good. I don't know what you are looking for from people. Everyone agrees it should be tested for safety and effectiveness.

What do you want us to say?

Well, as shukster pointed out I claimed there was a cure and his post was dripping with sarcasm. If my premise is faulty, it should be easy to say that if his life or his wife's life was at risk that they would refuse the treatment.
Be honest. If you came down with this and ask for your "cure" drug, would the doctor and the hospital require you to sign a sworn statement that you or your family will not sue if you die or suffer serious side-effects from the drug?
Irony: I signed something similar this morning. Can you answer the question with a yes or no?
Well, as shukster pointed out I claimed there was a cure and his post was dripping with sarcasm.
Because, no matter how the hell you try spinning it, there is no cure.
If my premise is faulty, it should be easy to say that if his life or his wife's life was at risk that they would refuse the treatment.
I repeat, no matter how the hell you try spinning it, there is no cure.
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Be honest. If you or your wife comes down with this and you are near death, will you ask the doctor to give either of you HCQ?

Even if the answer is yes, that doesnt equate it to being a cure. Obviously desperate people will try a lot of things in the hopes it gets them out of their desperate situation, but that doesnt mean everything you try will succeed in doing that. It is simply too early to know how effective this is, and there is nothing controversial or impractical about stating that.
Survival rate for being on a ventilator in the US is 50%. Even if you survive, your life expectancy can be from 6 months to a year. I read some articles that the death rate in China to be intubated is like 85%. I rather take the HCQ if it can prevent me from being intubated. I'm not going to wait on the FDA approval from some clinical trial. You can google ventilator outcomes if you need proof.
Survival rate for being on a ventilator in the US is 50%. Even if you survive, your life expectancy can be from 6 months to a year. I read some articles that the death rate in China to be intubated is like 85%. I rather take the HCQ if it can prevent me from being intubated. I'm not going to wait on the FDA approval from some clinical trial. You can google ventilator outcomes if you need proof.

Anyone would rather take a drug rather than being on a ventilator or being intubated. But ventilators and and intubation are only used on the most serious cases. The article Crazy linked even says the drug has not been effective on the more serious cases.

ETA: THe article Crazy linked is a different drug than the malaryia drug. But this is frome today But a second study emerged last week from Shanghai University in China of 30 patients hospitalized for Covid-19. Whether patients received hydroxychloroquine or not, their body temperature returned to normal a day after hospitalization, and the time it took for levels of the virus to become undetectable was comparable.

It basically sounds like the people who took the drug and improved, likely would have improved anyway, since they had basically the same results as people who didnt take it.
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My point is to use the drug to prevent a ICU visit. Dr in NY is successfully on his patients in a clinical setting. None of his patients he treated with his treatment protocol didn't require visit to an ICU.
My point is to use the drug to prevent a ICU visit. Dr in NY is successfully on his patients in a clinical setting. None of his patients he treated with his treatment protocol didn't require visit to an ICU.

I added an edit to the above post. But basically, China did a study with the drug with a control group, and the people who received the drug had basically the same results as the people who didnt. This could very easily be a situation where the people in France would have improved regardless of taking the drug or not, at which point we can't say the drug is what caused the improvement. But, it is still being studied so we will see how it turns outs.
I added an edit to the above post. But basically, China did a study with the drug with a control group, and the people who received the drug had basically the same results as the people who didnt. This could very easily be a situation where the people in France would have improved regardless of taking the drug or not, at which point we can't say the drug is what caused the improvement. But, it is still being studied so we will see how it turns outs.

Discredited with anything with the line "China did a study". They didn't even make it known there was a super contiguous virus initially. They their test kits are near worthless. They are announcing like 30-60 cases per day which everyone knows is a lie.
I wouldn't believe anything that the Chinese Communist Party publishes. Just check their mobile subscribers the past 3 months. One company lost about 14 million subscribers.
Since this is our rumor thread on corona virus fighters, I got a text from my brother who runs one of the bigger nursing home chains in Florida. Nursing homes across the country have received a high-priority medical alert that patients with the corona virus or corona virus-like symptoms should NOT take ibuprofen (Advil) for a fever but should take acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead.

It was said that ibuprofen seemed to accelerate a patient's breathing problems and has been found to be a common denominator in a large number of the deaths from the virus.

As with everything at this point, this recommendation is based on anecdotal evidence, but I thought since it was about two common pain relievers that we all use, it was worth sharing here.

Edited my mistake.
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Since this is our rumor thread on corona virus fighters, I got a text from my brother who runs one of the bigger nursing home chains in Florida. Nursing homes across the country have received a high-priority medical alert that patients with the corona virus or corona virus-like symptoms should NOT take ibuprofen (Advair) for a fever but should take acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead.

It was said that ibuprofen seemed to accelerate a patient's breathing problems and has been found to be a common denominator in a large number of the deaths from the virus.

As with everything at this point, this recommendation is based on anecdotal evidence, but I thought since it was about two common pain relievers that we all use, it was worth sharing here.

Just to clarify, did he say ibuprofen or advair? Those are 2 totally different things. Did you mean advil?