Official "FC has tds and prays there is no cure" thread

Heard on the news that quite a few physicians are using on themselves as a prophylactic and not infected so far. If we don't want to overburden the ICUs, high risk people who are elderly or immune compromised should have the option to take HCQ as a prophylactic. And India has started to use HCQ as a prophylactic for its high risk patients. Despite all the screamers on the news about lack of ventilators, ventilators won't save you and the outcomes are bad.
Heard on the news that quite a few physicians are using on themselves as a prophylactic and not infected so far. If we don't want to overburden the ICUs, high risk people who are elderly or immune compromised should have the option to take HCQ as a prophylactic. And India has started to use HCQ as a prophylactic for its high risk patients. Despite all the screamers on the news about lack of ventilators, ventilators won't save you and the outcomes are bad.
I’m sure the data on prophylaxis is even more scarce than treatment. Tougher variables. As far as ventilators, you either get bad and die quickly or recover quickly. Probably no chronic cases.

Once you get ARDS you’re basically done. Especially the elderly

I heard that they are intubating patients and placing them on ventilators to prevent spread

Unconfirmed. That’s a bad idea
I’m sure the data on prophylaxis is even more scarce than treatment.
True, there's scarce data on HCQ as a prophylactic. But there is no better option out there. We already know the side effects of this medicine since it is already a FDA approved drug. But a 3 month lockdown proposed by some experts is not an ideal solution. A lot of small businesses will go bankrupt and close. Local and state governments will lose tax money to pay the police and government employees and pensions because of mass unemployment. The US government will have to print more money to save the states from going bankrupt. More money printing will lead to hyperinflation. One thing that has consistently proven true, however, is that the biggest obstacle in effectively battling its spread and treating the afflicted has been the obtuse insistence of the political and medical establishment on blindly following their rules. If the virus is truly threatening to kill millions, as they say, they would not value procedures over saving lives. Nevertheless, they still persist. It makes one wonder why.
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Update from NY dr on off label use of HCQ:

His treatment protocol:
  1. hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
  2. azithromycin 500mg once a day for five days
  3. zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for five days
He only prescribes it to patients who are experiencing fever, coughing, breathing difficulty or high risk patients.
French dr treats 80 patients with HCQ/zpack combo. All but one recovered:

His response on double blind clinical studies:
Our study concerns 80 patients, without a control group because we offer our protocol to all patients with no contraindication. This is what the Hippocratic Oath that we have taken dictates to us. Twitter feed has a pdf outlining his treatment.
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Jax Dr has positive results with HCQ/zinc regimen:

Not a fan of Dr Oz but a good interview with Kansas physician who is using HCQ:

The current situation is like putting out a house on fire but you don't have the time to test what is the best hose to use to put out the fire. You use whatever hose that you have available.
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Frankly, we shouldn't have been so surprised when we learned such a sad and preventable tragedy had taken place.

Believing the bullsh*t that comes out of Trump's mouth is natural for our country's nitwits

Is it still just “bullshit coming from Trumps mouth”, dickwad?

Is it still just “bullshit coming from Trumps mouth”, dickwad?
No matter how you want to spin it, people who suffer from the corona virus are agreeing to take an experimental drug.

And there's nothing wrong with that if families are willing to take the risk of taking a drug that hasn't been thoroughly tested. But there are a lot of lawyers in this country who've gotten rich over the years because their clients took a drug that produced unintended side effects.

And while we're talking about Trump bullsh*t, are you still planning to sit the pews come Easter Sunday?
I feel like some
No matter how you want to spin it, people who suffer from the corona virus are agreeing to take an experimental drug.

And there's nothing wrong with that if families are willing to take the risk of taking a drug that hasn't been thoroughly tested. But there are a lot of lawyers in this country who've gotten rich over the years because their clients took a drug that produced unintended side effects.

And while we're talking about Trump bullsh*t, are you still planning to sit the pews come Easter Sunday?

Getting more than just a wild shot. International studies are all showing 100% cure after 6 days. But let's hate on it because Trump is giving hope.
Getting more than just a wild shot. International studies are all showing 100% cure after 6 days. But let's hate on it because Trump is giving hope.
My concern was with the POTUS calling an experimental treatment a "game changing cure" That statement immediately put pressure on the medical community to use it because patients and their families were going to be demanding it. And there's nothing wrong with that if there aren't any unintended consequences.
International studies are all showing 100% cure after 6 days.
What if follow-up studies show 93% of these 'cured' come down with lung cancer 1 year later? What's going to be said then?

There's a reason why the drugs on the market today have undergone years of research and heavy testing.
HCQ is normally prescribed to patients suffering from chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. I read a WSJ article that the treatment was actually accidentally discovered in a Wuhan hospital where all lupus patients in the hospital did not contract covid19. And the idea was to use the medication as a prophylactic and possible treatment. Somehow that information was never shared with WHO. C19 patients are normally prescribed a moderate amount of HCQ compared to patients with RA and lupus. And is usually prescribed from 5 to 10 days.
I know people want to hate on it because Trump made positive comments, but looks overwhelming evidence to me.
I think Bill Gates during a TED presentation advocated a 3-6 month lockdown. I think that's crazy and not economically feasible especially for people working paycheck to paycheck. I just want this crisis to end quickly so we can look forward to UCF football this season.
No one is hating on it.

People think that Trump shouldn't have made false claims about it.

People think it should be tested, which since this thread started is has been tested a lot more.

The tests are looking more and more successful.

Once we have enough data on side effects and if they are acceptable vs the disease we should approve it for use.

Again, no one is hating on it.
No one is hating on it.

People think that Trump shouldn't have made false claims about it.

People think it should be tested, which since this thread started is has been tested a lot more.

The tests are looking more and more successful.

Once we have enough data on side effects and if they are acceptable vs the disease we should approve it for use.

Again, no one is hating on it.

They are taking the drug for a max of 6 days so I think long term damage will be minimal. The risk reward is take the drug mix and be almost guaranteed to be healed in 6 days. The other option is letting your body fight it which can take twice as long and the additional stress on the hospitals.

To me it sounds like go ahead full steam ahead which I guess is happening in some areas.

I do think the hesitation is just because Trump touted it.
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They are taking the drug for a max of 6 days so I think long term damage will be minimal. The risk reward is take the drug mix and be almost guaranteed to be healed in 6 days. The other option is letting your body fight it which can take twice as long and the additional stress on the hospitals.

To me it sounds like go ahead full steam ahead which I guess is happening in some areas.

I do think the hesitation is just because Trump touted it.
Agreed 100%. The funny thing is that the left has taken trump's comment out of context on the "game changer" deal, and now they have to own that statement because it actually IS a game changer.
Agreed 100%. The funny thing is that the left has taken trump's comment out of context on the "game changer" deal, and now they have to own that statement because it actually IS a game changer.
The left has been intentionally taking Trump out of context since they realized that he might win the election. You’d think that they’d get better at it, but no, no they haven’t.
In case any liberals are still confused why we think the media in this country is comprised of dogshit in-the-tank DNC staffers, here you go. Some of these were from only 1 week ago. I expect absolutely none of them will run "we were dipshits and we were wrong" stories.
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"Trump was at the White House podium peddling a fake cure for a virus that could kill hundreds of thousands of Americans in a way that would have gotten him kicked off the Home Shopping Network and potentially invited federal prosecution for false claims and fraud."

"One consistent theme is that almost nothing he says can be trusted"

So now what do they do when the country finds out that they could trust what he said? Doesnt that encapsulate his entire presidency? Time after time the media has said he's lying about something only to find out later that he was being honest.
I get the feeling that Dr Faux-ci(Fauci) and Birx can't think outside the box. They should have data of all people who have either RA or lupus who are currently taking HCQ and determine its effectiveness as a prophylaxis against covid19.
I get the feeling that Dr Faux-ci(Fauci) and Birx can't think outside the box. They should have data of all people who have either RA or lupus who are currently taking HCQ and determine its effectiveness as a prophylaxis against covid19.
That’s where this all started. A hospital realized that it’s lupus patients weren’t getting COVID. Prophylaxis is the reason someone looked at CQ in the first place.

It’s so damn frustrating having to deal with the malfeasance of journalists right now.
Frankly, we shouldn't have been so surprised when we learned such a sad and preventable tragedy had taken place.

Believing the bullsh*t that comes out of Trump's mouth is natural for our country's nitwits


What if I told you that the raging moron who drank fish cleaner was a rabid anti-Trump loonie who donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, including a new lefty dark money Super PAC aimed specifically at trying to attack his COVID19 response?

The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested a substance used to clean fish tanks after hearing President Donald Trump tout chloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus has given thousands of dollars to Democratic groups and candidates over the last two years.

The woman's most recent donations, in late February, were to a Democratic PAC, the 314 Action Fund, that bills itself as the "pro-science resistance" and has vocally criticized the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic and held up her case to slam the White House.
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What if I told you that the raging moron who drank fish cleaner was a rabid anti-Trump loonie who donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, including a new lefty dark money Super PAC aimed specifically at trying to attack his COVID19 response?

The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested a substance used to clean fish tanks after hearing President Donald Trump tout chloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus has given thousands of dollars to Democratic groups and candidates over the last two years.

The woman's most recent donations, in late February, were to a Democratic PAC, the 314 Action Fund, that bills itself as the "pro-science resistance" and has vocally criticized the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic and held up her case to slam the White House.

What if I told you that the raging moron who drank fish cleaner was a rabid anti-Trump loonie who donated thousands of dollars to Democrats, including a new lefty dark money Super PAC aimed specifically at trying to attack his COVID19 response?

The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested a substance used to clean fish tanks after hearing President Donald Trump tout chloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus has given thousands of dollars to Democratic groups and candidates over the last two years.

The woman's most recent donations, in late February, were to a Democratic PAC, the 314 Action Fund, that bills itself as the "pro-science resistance" and has vocally criticized the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic and held up her case to slam the White House.

I love irony
Strange that the media isnt reporting on the fact that the FDA approved HCQ for treatment of covid19 on monday.
It's an emergency use authorization. In order for something to be FDA approved it has to demonstrate effectiveness to treat. This hasnt happened so its not "approved" HCQ hasn't done that yet. This is the fastest way to allow people to be test subjects if they wan to be. The problem is that C19 has a mortality rate of 1.5% or less and we don't know the mortality rate of this treatment. If every corona virus patient comes demanding this we may end up with more dead than before. We need the data of clinical trials. If I had C19 I wouldn't take this until I had no other options.
Looking at the stats, about 13%-14% of people testing positive end up in the hospital. Fifty percent of those end up in the ICU and hooked up to a vent. Death rates from being hooked up to a vent for c19 is from 85%-95%. I don't like those odds. If I'm at the stage where I'm having breathing issues, I rather take my chance with HCQ treatment. There is no randomized double blind study on the effectiveness of parachutes.

Anyway I found an interesting story but can't confirmed if true or not about the couple ingesting fish tank cleaner. Woman who gave husband the treatment was a donor to Democratic PAC's and has mental health issues:
It's an emergency use authorization. In order for something to be FDA approved it has to demonstrate effectiveness to treat. This hasnt happened so its not "approved" HCQ hasn't done that yet. This is the fastest way to allow people to be test subjects if they wan to be. The problem is that C19 has a mortality rate of 1.5% or less and we don't know the mortality rate of this treatment. If every corona virus patient comes demanding this we may end up with more dead than before. We need the data of clinical trials. If I had C19 I wouldn't take this until I had no other options.

You dont think it was newsworthy?
Looking at the stats, about 13%-14% of people testing positive end up in the hospital. Fifty percent of those end up in the ICU and hooked up to a vent. Death rates from being hooked up to a vent for c19 is from 85%-95%. I don't like those odds. If I'm at the stage where I'm having breathing issues, I rather take my chance with HCQ treatment. There is no randomized double blind study on the effectiveness of parachutes.

Anyway I found an interesting story but can't confirmed if true or not about the couple ingesting fish tank cleaner. Woman who gave husband the treatment was a donor to Democratic PAC's and has mental health issues:
Do we have any number on deaths among patients who used it?
Do we have any number on deaths among patients who used it?
NY Dr Zelenko used it in a outpatient setting and experienced no deaths from his patients. 0 intubations. He only prescribes it to patients with no contraindications, high risk patients, and patients with high fever, coughing, and breathing issues. If used in outpatient setting, this will lower the number of patients going to the hospital/ICU. If you are healthy and experiencing just cold symptoms, he won't be prescribed this drug. NY hospitals are going through a random clinical study and the HCW's will not know if they are giving HCQ or a placebo. As with most viral diseases, it's very important to treat early to prevent very high viral load to achieve a good outcome and if reach ARDS stage, your lungs are permanently damage.
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