Official "FC has tds and prays there is no cure" thread

NY Dr Zelenko used it in a outpatient setting and experienced no deaths from his patients. 0 intubations. He only prescribes it to patients with no contraindications, high risk patients, and patients with high fever, coughing, and breathing issues. If used in outpatient setting, this will lower the number of patients going to the hospital/ICU. If you are healthy and experiencing just cold symptoms, he won't be prescribed this drug. NY hospitals are going through a random clinical study and the HCW's will not know if they are giving HCQ or a placebo. As with most viral diseases, it's very important to treat early to prevent very high viral load to achieve a good outcome and if reach ARDS stage, your lungs are permanently damage.
Gotta be honest, it’s pretty inhumane to the control group if this thing turns out to be as effective as the early results have suggested. To force them to abstain from treatment because of protocol is suboptimal.
Physiciansweekly reviewed the clinical data they have and determined that HCQ + zpak are efficient in treating covid patients. That's a pretty significant endorsement.
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TDS is dangerous to the country. Heres why:

After mocking Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine, journalists acknowledge it might treat coronavirus

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They moved away from mocking him for it actually being a game changer. Unfortunately people had to die in Michigan over TDS with their governor.
The death rate isn’t rising exponentially anymore, but the rate has not slowed
Watching the slope of the red line and the blue line for this week. Possibly can give us a clue of how the HCQ clinical trials are going. I've heard in the news that about 23% of US drs are prescribing this regimen.
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Italy and Spain starting to use HCQ for outpatient use:.
Early use means less visits to ICU which leads to less deaths.
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This is why we study drugs before we anoint them as a cure. Need much more research.

Wait. Are you seriously taking China at its word here? The same china that sent faulty tests to europe. The same China that lied to the world about this virus being transmittable from human to human. The same China that perpetually tries to hack into our electrical grid software.

Because taking anything that comes out of China at face value seems like a really, really bad idea.

This is why we study drugs before we anoint them as a cure. Need much more research.

Still pushing that weak Shanghai study on 30 patients referenced early in this thread. That study did not include zinc or zpack in the study. And did not indicate what stage of the disease the patients were in. And author provided no link on actual study. I posted the link to the actual study in an earlier post.
Not covid related. But situation is similar to current crisis at hand. You use whatever available tools you have:

A couple more studies are wrapping up. Not encouraging. The thing about a "cure" is that it should work more than half the time. The fact that we have several studies that not only show no benefit but also had subjects drop out due to HQC causing health concerns should tell you what you need to know. At this point, there's a reason you shouldn't take this drug.
If you are going to die, you take the drug. Stop being stupid. The whole country is now using it.

A couple more studies are wrapping up. Not encouraging. The thing about a "cure" is that it should work more than half the time. The fact that we have several studies that not only show no benefit but also had subjects drop out due to HQC causing health concerns should tell you what you need to know. At this point, there's a reason you shouldn't take this drug.

You had to find a blog for your proof. Enough said
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You had to find a blog for your proof. Enough said
This low IQ imbecile needs to get out of his mother’s basement and actually talk to physicians who have used it for years and have patients on it now
The fact that they used this drug on an HIV patient tells me enough to completely disregard their study. Why would you give a drug that suppresses the immune system to an AIDS patient?
I could quote doctors and scientists about the dangers of an untested miracle cure but no one cares about that they want trial results. The studies are cited in that blog.

It's not a miracle cure. Limits the symptoms and the recovery time is reduced as what seems to be happening. People are not taking this drug for months. Just to get those over the hump to recovery. Some patients did see almost instant recovery. Probably depends on various factors.
Hydroxychloroquine is a very well tolerated drug. Most Rheumatologists don’t order an ECG, but many do close monitoring of a CBC and regular eye exams

This is not a new drug. Patients have been on it for years for Lupus
Watched a interview with Dr Oz yesterday and he was actually quite agitated that HCQ is not being utilized more in this country. Said there are still too many so-called "experts" referring to the overwhelmingly positive treatment results as merely "anectdotal" evidence.
Oz cited numerous studies and findings. One of the most impressive findings is the fact HCQ is a FDA approved common treatment for lupus patients who's numbers exceed 200,000 in the US. To date, 100% of lupus sufferers taking this drug, have avoided Covid 19 contraction! That's especially amazing to me because lupus is a debilitating disease that greatly compromises the immune system. Side effects to HCQ are rare and almost insignificant.
If it looks, walks and quacks like a duck, I'm pretty sure it's a damn duck! Production should be ramped up everywhere to the highest level possible IMHO.
Watched a interview with Dr Oz yesterday and he was actually quite agitated that HCQ is not being utilized more in this country. Said there are still too many so-called "experts" referring to the overwhelmingly positive treatment results as merely "anectdotal" evidence.
Oz cited numerous studies and findings. One of the most impressive findings is the fact HCQ is a FDA approved common treatment for lupus patients who's numbers exceed 200,000 in the US. To date, 100% of lupus sufferers taking this drug, have avoided Covid 19 contraction! That's especially amazing to me because lupus is a debilitating disease that greatly compromises the immune system. Side effects to HCQ are rare and almost insignificant.
If it looks, walks and quacks like a duck, I'm pretty sure it's a damn duck! Production should be ramped up everywhere to the highest level possible IMHO.
Speaking of if it quacks like a duck... Dr. Oz is like one step above selling healing crystals.
He probably owns 5 cents worth of stock in a pharmaceutical company.

Miracle red palm oil might cure corona