Us embassy in iraq

Yes, and the US and West has interfered in Iran's affairs often in the past which has certainly also helped shape Iran. That cannot be discounted.

But let me just ask, what is the end game with Iran in your view? It seems you, and others, don't think any sort of diplomacy is an option, so is it war or bust in your view? And if you think war is needed then what is the end game of that? Regime change?
You’re right, it cannot be discounted.

I think we have to approach it from multiple angles. Show strength against the current regime and remind them that we wield a bigger stick so they better play nice. Meanwhile, support the people of Iran and hope they end up with a successful revolution like we did and all live happily ever after for about 300 years. But that’s nation-building and we’re told that’s a no good very bad terrible thing nowadays. Especially when the “people” of Iran could end up being someone worse than what you have. So, the other option is to just invade, set up an actual democracy, and stay until they’ve figured it out (which takes decades). But there’s no stomach for that in this country. So I think we will end up with a string of failures and an “acceptable” amount of chaos while we do the same thing we’ve been doing for 40 years.
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Dude, if some other country assassinated Trump, you'd see people celebrating in the street. This means nothing. That dude had something like 80% approval rating in his country. One person's hero is another's villain, etc.

Yea, we know you loonies would be celebrating. Great times, huh?
Not trolling. We've been dealing with this problem for 40 years. Don't start nothing that you aren't planning to finish.

Doesn't even make sense. Also, we didn't "start anything". A reminder: prior to this, Iran: blew up 2 foreign vessels, shot down a US Military aircraft, bombed our allies' main oil facilities, launched in excess of 30 rockets in Iraq at our bases and contractor work areas, killed at least 1 American, wounded others, then ordered an attack on our Embassy that required the Marines to urgently respond.

You lack a basic understanding of facts here.
Dude, if some other country assassinated Trump, you'd see people celebrating in the street. This means nothing. That dude had something like 80% approval rating in his country. One person's hero is another's villain, etc.
Did he though? Can we really believe the propaganda from a country that uses snipers to kill their own citizens when they disagree. Regardless of Iran’s stance, the people of Iraq were tired of him tampering in the Iraqi government. Last I heard, stopping enemies from tampering with our allies’ sovereign governments was a good thing.
Doesn't even make sense. Also, we didn't "start anything". A reminder: prior to this, Iran: blew up 2 foreign vessels, shot down a US Military aircraft, bombed our allies' main oil facilities, launched in excess of 30 rockets in Iraq at our bases and contractor work areas, killed at least 1 American, wounded others, then ordered an attack on our Embassy that required the Marines to urgently respond.

You lack a basic understanding of facts here.
And also, this guy was building an infrastructure meant to topple the Iraqi government. There’s more to this than Trump flaring you and randomly killing an Iranian hero.
Did he though? Can we really believe the propaganda from a country that uses snipers to kill their own citizens when they disagree. Regardless of Iran’s stance, the people of Iraq were tired of him tampering in the Iraqi government. Last I heard, stopping enemies from tampering with our allies’ sovereign governments was a good thing.

In one post, he admitted 1.) that liberals would gleefully cheer if someone shot Trump dead and 2) that he is willing to post Iranian disinformation and propaganda as something credible, while continuing to yell about how he won't trust Trump.

Just incredible. We're pretty far down that hole right now.
In one post, he admitted 1.) that liberals would gleefully cheer if someone shot Trump dead and 2) that he is willing to post Iranian disinformation and propaganda as something credible, while continuing to yell about how he won't trust Trump.

Just incredible. We're pretty far down that hole right now.

Not PC enough for you? Do you need a safe space?

I'm just telling it like it is. If you can't handle it, then maybe you should get out.

It's convenient how you claim certain facts are propaganda, yet ignore others coming from your own country.

The Trump distraction is working once again.
Thank God we have a Commander in Chief with the balls to protect our Embassies

Embassies that wouldn't need protecting if we had a better commander in chief.

How many people are going to die over this stunt? How many lives is Trump willing to sacrifice for his betterment?

You elect an arsonist, and then praise the fact that he's a firefighter. You wouldn't have needed to put out the flames if you hadn't employed the guy that liked to start fires.
Doesn't even make sense. Also, we didn't "start anything". A reminder: prior to this, Iran: blew up 2 foreign vessels, shot down a US Military aircraft, bombed our allies' main oil facilities, launched in excess of 30 rockets in Iraq at our bases and contractor work areas, killed at least 1 American, wounded others, then ordered an attack on our Embassy that required the Marines to urgently respond.

You lack a basic understanding of facts here.
I understand all the facts. You are the one that wants to retreat.
They do hate us because they ain't us.

Hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of the world doesn't give two shits about us. I know it's hard for your ego to comprehend, but people go on living their lives without any thought whatsoever about what goes on in the U.S.

However, when we build military bases in and around their countries, which we never leave, and assassinate their leaders.... they tend to not appreciate that much. And a few might even grow up to hate that country that attacked them and may want to retaliate. Hard to imagine, I know.
Hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of the world doesn't give two shits about us. I know it's hard for your ego to comprehend, but people go on living their lives without any thought whatsoever about what goes on in the U.S.

However, when we build military bases in and around their countries, which we never leave, and assassinate their leaders.... they tend to not appreciate that much. And a few might even grow up to hate that country that attacked them and may want to retaliate. Hard to imagine, I know.

Firm Bizzke with the hook, line, sinker lol
This fine looking gentleman is next

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Hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of the world doesn't give two shits about us. I know it's hard for your ego to comprehend, but people go on living their lives without any thought whatsoever about what goes on in the U.S.

However, when we build military bases in and around their countries, which we never leave, and assassinate their leaders.... they tend to not appreciate that much. And a few might even grow up to hate that country that attacked them and may want to retaliate. Hard to imagine, I know.

Just an innocent "leader" like one that is involved in attacks on Americans. Iran used to be a peaceful democracy before the Iranian revolution.
Hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of the world doesn't give two shits about us. I know it's hard for your ego to comprehend, but people go on living their lives without any thought whatsoever about what goes on in the U.S.

However, when we build military bases in and around their countries, which we never leave, and assassinate their leaders.... they tend to not appreciate that much. And a few might even grow up to hate that country that attacked them and may want to retaliate. Hard to imagine, I know.
Nonsense. I have multiple cars, a boat, live on the water, eating filet mignon and lobster tonight, have seats in the Cabana. They want my life.
This is maybe the most genuine discussion that I've seen on this board, other than a couple of posts. When you can take bizzle, cubs, sk8, and 85 and be somewhat surprised in where they fall on an issue it's pretty remarkable.
Not trolling. We've been dealing with this problem for 40 years. Don't start nothing that you aren't planning to finish.
It goes back further than the 70s. It was when BP had a stranglehold on UKs foreign policy and set up the Shah that this all began. I wouldn't begin to speculate on how things would have worked out if Iran had been allowed to follow through with their decision to nationalize their oil industry but it's pretty obvious that the UK interference with support from the CIA is what really set everybody down this road.
He's in the lower Cabana, I'm in the upper Cabana. I try to keep he and his friends (the Mikesicans) from crossing over.
As long as you deplorables stay on your side of the stadium and out of my stadium club, we’ll be good.
Respect is when you live your whole life and can’t tell a nuclear winter from a NGEbraska winter. That’s impressive
Well, I guess at least you tried to burn me. Maybe you'll get better. Everybody has to start somewhere I suppose.
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Another Trump distraction.

If he doesn't get impeached, do you think we still kill this guy?
Oh well.. I guess terrorists and their leaders now have the green light to go all out and kill hundreds and thousands of Americans without recourse.
Wouldn’t want Trump to actually run the country and distract all of those with TDS from basking in the glory of his impeachment. Let’s not ruin all of this impeachment talk fun, right guys? :rolleyes:
Oh well.. I guess terrorists and their leaders now have the green light to go all out and kill hundreds and thousands of Americans without recourse.
Wouldn’t want Trump to actually run the country and distract all of those with TDS from basking in the glory of his impeachment. Let’s not ruin all of this impeachment talk fun, right guys? :rolleyes:

Trel and the lefties are desperate to make this impeachment nonsense mean something.
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I dont care if you're a Republican or Democrat, when a historically anti-American foreign policy news outlet like Reuters publishes a story like this outlining the reasons this attack was truly needed, I pay attention. Generally speaking I think Trump is a narcissistic moron, but this was a good call.

This guy was an evil mass murderer terrorist who had killed Americans throughout the region, had just done so again, and was planning for even more when he was killed. He commanded the largest terrorist network in the world.

We kill terrorists. Thank God the President made the right call.
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This guy was an evil mass murderer terrorist who had killed Americans throughout the region, had just done so again, and was planning for even more when he was killed. He commanded the largest terrorist network in the world.

We kill terrorists. Thank God the President made the right call.

It's not a matter of whether the guy needed to be killed, it's what happens next. The more I read about this, the more I agree with trump because it definitely sounds like the Iranian people didnt like him, but at the same time we might end up with a replacement who is even more dangerous or several replacements who can radicalize their followers even more than he did. It isn't always good guys waiting in the wings, as we saw with ISIS. The likelihood of this guy staying attacks against the US on our soil was pretty low. Hopefully that doesnt change.
It's not a matter of whether the guy needed to be killed, it's what happens next. The more I read about this, the more I agree with trump because it definitely sounds like the Iranian people didnt like him, but at the same time we might end up with a replacement who is even more dangerous or several replacements who can radicalize their followers even more than he did. It isn't always good guys waiting in the wings, as we saw with ISIS. The likelihood of this guy staying attacks against the US on our soil was pretty low. Hopefully that doesnt change.
What was the likelihood of Japan attacking the US directly? What was the likelihood of Al Qaeda attacking us on our soil?

This guy was part of multiple embassy attacks (which are sovereign US soil) and part of a failed attack in the US. So to say that he’s not likely to engineer attacks on our soil is a bit wrongheaded.
It's not a matter of whether the guy needed to be killed, it's what happens next. The more I read about this, the more I agree with trump because it definitely sounds like the Iranian people didnt like him, but at the same time we might end up with a replacement who is even more dangerous or several replacements who can radicalize their followers even more than he did. It isn't always good guys waiting in the wings, as we saw with ISIS. The likelihood of this guy staying attacks against the US on our soil was pretty low. Hopefully that doesnt change.

What in the actual fuk are you talking about? He was revered in Iran, his death will easily swing public opinion against the US, further inflaming tensions between the countries that have been increasing since Trump stupidly pulled us out of a working nuclear deal with Iran.

You truly are delusional.
The more I read about this, the more I agree with trump

This sentence right here is perfect. It has been true on every issue crazyhole has ever disagreed with Trump on. He has his own opinions and then they slowly erode as he consumes curated right wing opinions from his biased outlets.

Crazyhole is a confirmed conservative nut job media user. The places he is "reading about this" are biased right wing sites. He is having the story presented to him from a group of people who want him to support Trump on all actions. Slowly he realizes that his ideas are wrong and these new ideas are right. It's happened on so many issues in real time on this board. At one point Crazy said the evidence against Trump for Ukraine didn't look good, now that hes "read about it," he thinks it's all a partisan attack and he wants Joe Biden brought to justice.

This is why it's a waste of time to do anything other than make fun of the MAGA chuds. You'll never make an honest point that is stronger than their echo chamber on any issues because their echo chamber is stronger than even their own opinions and values. It took only 2 days for crazyhole to abandon his own values and ideas and accept the justification for starting a war with Iran.
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This sentence right here is perfect. It has been true on every issue crazyhole has ever disagreed with Trump on. He has his own opinions and then they slowly erode as he consumes curated right wing opinions from his biased outlets.

Crazyhole is a confirmed conservative nut job media user. The places he is "reading about this" are biased right wing sites. He is having the story presented to him from a group of people who want him to support Trump on all actions. Slowly he realizes that his ideas are wrong and these new ideas are right. It's happened on so many issues in real time on this board. At one point Crazy said the evidence against Trump for Ukraine didn't look good, now that hes "read about it," he thinks it's all a partisan attack and he wants Joe Biden brought to justice.

This is why it's a waste of time to do anything other than make fun of the MAGA chuds. You'll never make an honest point that is stronger than their echo chamber on any issues because their echo chamber is stronger than even their own opinions and values. It took only 2 days for crazyhole to abandon his own values and ideas and accept the justification for starting a war with Iran.

Wish I could like this twice.

Painful trying to "debate" with literal monkeys
What was the likelihood of Japan attacking the US directly? What was the likelihood of Al Qaeda attacking us on our soil?

This guy was part of multiple embassy attacks (which are sovereign US soil) and part of a failed attack in the US. So to say that he’s not likely to engineer attacks on our soil is a bit wrongheaded.

But what is the likeliehood of those things still happening? Or happening even more frequently now? We seem to have this mindset in this country that killing bad guys solves the problems, when we have seen time and time again that it often times exasperates those problems. If this does just blow over without incident then by all means, I will say it was the right decision. If it doesn't, and the attacks escalate, then it is more than reasonable to criticize the decision. At this point we will just wait and see, but my guess is there will be some sort of response, hopefully it is limited and doesnt hurt/kill many (or preferably any) people.
Doesn't even make sense. Also, we didn't "start anything". A reminder: prior to this, Iran: blew up 2 foreign vessels, shot down a US Military aircraft, bombed our allies' main oil facilities, launched in excess of 30 rockets in Iraq at our bases and contractor work areas, killed at least 1 American, wounded others, then ordered an attack on our Embassy that required the Marines to urgently respond.

You lack a basic understanding of facts here.

When we ended the Iran deal we issued harsh sanctions against Iran, which hurt the import of things like certains medicines and medical devices and things of that nature. That does nothing but hurts the average Iranian citizen. We most certainly are not innocent in all of this and it is a lot more complex than you are giving it credit for.