So you Trump supporters have finally given up right?

Just saying "I'm a sheeple hypocrite" would have saved you some key strokes. I'm really disappointed you can't share the key to leaving racism behind. You could change half the country.
The Republicans need to learn some dirty tactics and Trump is providing them a lesson. For the last eight years the GOP has stood by and let Obama and Co turn us into the next coming of Hitler and more than half country believes everything he says. Every conservative is a racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot. FFS, Obama was calling Bill and Hillary racists in 2008. What has changed? Trump is fighting back and it's what we need. I don't agree with everything he says which was pretty damn evident during the primary but Hillary will take Obama's place as the worst President ever and completely overhaul the Supreme Court while she's at it.
Now you're getting it. People like Trump cos he has a cock, just like Hillary.

How would you very sophisticated foreign loving liberals reacted if Faux News and Breitbart had run this story about Obama??? Oh wait...
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Hey @Bob the Knight , why don't you take a time out. Come back when you learn how to not make an ass out of yourself. But that's pretty impossible for all you Trump nuthuggers.

Please share something that I've said that's not true. Please share when I've called a stupid dumfuk liberal a stupid dumfuk liberal. You can come back when you can admit your entire view on life is flawed and corrupted by politicians who only care about their paycheck and lifetime pension/health insurance/book deals/security/etc etc etc.
Please share something that I've said that's not true. Please share when I've called a stupid dumfuk liberal a stupid dumfuk liberal. You can come back when you can admit your entire view on life is flawed and corrupted by politicians who only care about their paycheck and lifetime pension/health insurance/book deals/security/etc etc etc.

No, but I found this gem. LOL:

Dump is a whiny obnoxious populist asshole that lies constantly. He's a bad person, that is why I dislike him. Everything he says he will do is completely contradicted by his own practices.

What does Mitt being friends with a liberal have to do with Dump being a liberal until six months ago? Dump didn't give to both sides. He almost exclusively supported Democrats.

Feel free to keep making up shit, it fits your new 35% party very very very well.
I also found these doozies:

This one was cool:

Dump skips a debate because he's afraid of Megyn Kelly, now he's skipping CPAC because he was exposed last night and is afraid of the questions all those big meanie conservatives are going to ask.

I guess you really didn't mean it:

Not Trump though. He's a fuxking giant douchebag. Never Trump. I'd rather the country stay stagnant for four more years with Billary than see what happens with Dump as President. It will be WW3.

And yet you now support him:

Good lord. What a brainwashed sheep. You're as bad as Dump supporters. No idea what you're talking about just repeat the same HuffPo lines over and over.

Yeah, how would this petulant child act???

So Dump is afraid of Megyn Kelly (skipped two debates), whines to most reporters he's not treated fairly, has been on a "he started it" rant and now he's threatening to sue Louisiana because of the primary rules he agreed to. This petulant child is going to stand up to Putin, Khomeini, and terrorists? Lol. Watch out ISIS Dump is going to sue you!!!

I dunno, when is he going to stop crying like a little bitch? Are you now retarded too???

When is Dump going to stop crying like a little bitch? All he does is cry about rules HE agreed to. What happens when Putin lies to him? He's going to throw another temper tantrum? He's a fuking whiny five year old. He's trying his hardest to get out of the nomination and you fuking retards keep gobbling it up.
The Republicans need to learn some dirty tactics and Trump is providing them a lesson. For the last eight years the GOP has stood by and let Obama and Co turn us into the next coming of Hitler and more than half country believes everything he says. Every conservative is a racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot. FFS, Obama was calling Bill and Hillary racists in 2008. What has changed? Trump is fighting back and it's what we need. I don't agree with everything he says which was pretty damn evident during the primary but Hillary will take Obama's place as the worst President ever and completely overhaul the Supreme Court while she's at it.

Yawn. I've never defended any of Trump's crazy shit. If you want another four years of Obama then keep on the tracks with Ryan and Jeb and Romney. I've supported them all but they're all being fuking retarded right now. They are fighting to make sure we have a liberal Supreme Court for the next generation, you're children's generation. The last time we had a liberal SC they legalized murder. You think the 2nd amendment is safe? The 1st amendment? The Supreme Court is ALL that matters in this election.
Yawn. I've never defended any of Trump's crazy shit. If you want another four years of Obama then keep on the tracks with Ryan and Jeb and Romney. I've supported them all but they're all being fuking retarded right now. They are fighting to make sure we have a liberal Supreme Court for the next generation, you're children's generation. The last time we had a liberal SC they legalized murder. You think the 2nd amendment is safe? The 1st amendment? The Supreme Court is ALL that matters in this election.
LMAO! Nice pivot.
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LMAO! Nice pivot.

What pivot? I've never defended Trump's rhetoric. I've admitted I was 100% against him in the primaries and that I'd never vote for him because I never thought he'd make it through. But now that he is our nominee I'm 100% voting for him because the alternative is a serial liar/felon that will completely alter the future of our country. The Supreme Court is more important than anything Trump says. All of his looney talk will never make it through congress... Oh wait Obama is allowed to bypass congress. Oh well elections have consequences...
Yawn. I've never defended any of Trump's crazy shit. If you want another four years of Obama then keep on the tracks with Ryan and Jeb and Romney. I've supported them all but they're all being fuking retarded right now. They are fighting to make sure we have a liberal Supreme Court for the next generation, you're children's generation. The last time we had a liberal SC they legalized murder. You think the 2nd amendment is safe? The 1st amendment? The Supreme Court is ALL that matters in this election.

Good God. You're all over the place.

What pivot? I've never defended Trump's rhetoric. I've admitted I was 100% against him in the primaries and that I'd never vote for him because I never thought he'd make it through. But now that he is our nominee I'm 100% voting for him because the alternative is a serial liar/felon that will completely alter the future of our country. The Supreme Court is more important than anything Trump says. All of his looney talk will never make it through congress... Oh wait Obama is allowed to bypass congress. Oh well elections have consequences...


Comedic gold. Keep going. This is awesome.
@KnighttimeJoe, that was a full Thanksgiving dinner of crow this board hasnt seen in quite a while!

Bob, what truly put you on the Trump bandwagon? As Joe pulled up, you openly admitted you would vote for Billary before ever voting for Dump. What changed? The Supreme Court nominee isn't a great reason. After all Trump was a democrat. There is no proof he knows or understands enough about federal judges to even nominate a right leaning one. And even when going by party affiliation there is no guarantee they will vote or interpret the law along party lines. They aren't all Ginsburgs, Thomas's, or Scalia. Hell Sonya just recently sided with the right on a gun issue and it was right leaning Roberts who voted to allow Obamacare as a tax.
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Good God. You're all over the place.


Comedic gold. Keep going. This is awesome.

Provide a quote when I ever said someone voting for Trump was retarded. I cringed every time I saw you and 85 name calling Trump supporters. I don't name call private voters. I've already said numerous times and you quoted that I disagree with a lot of the vulgar stuff Trump says and I've never denied that but seeing everyone on both sides of the aisle squirm for the last six months has altered my viewpoint a bit. The Supreme Court is more important than you feeling good about yourself because you're trying to avoid being called a bigot by Hillary and Obama. Fuk it. I've been called a racist xenophobic homophobic bigot by our President, Hillary and liberals for my entire adult life. IDGAF. I'm voting for the future of our country, not what a bunch of self righteous hypocrites want to guilt me in to.
He flip flops more than Trump himself does.

It's like he's been brainwashed, and stuff.

"NEVER DUMP!!!!!!! NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER....well NEVER, but lol I am going to vote for him now because RETARD!!!"

boob needs to take a break from posting.
Provide a quote when I ever said someone voting for Trump was retarded. I cringed every time I saw you and 85 name calling Trump supporters. I don't name call private voters. I've already said numerous times and you quoted that I disagree with a lot of the vulgar stuff Trump says and I've never denied that but seeing everyone on both sides of the aisle squirm for the last six months has altered my viewpoint a bit. The Supreme Court is more important than you feeling good about yourself because you're trying to avoid being called a bigot by Hillary and Obama. Fuk it. I've been called a racist xenophobic homophobic bigot by our President, Hillary and liberals for my entire adult life. IDGAF. I'm voting for the future of our country, not what a bunch of self righteous hypocrites want to guilt me in to.

"He's trying his hardest to get out of the nomination and you fuking retards keep gobbling it up."

I guess that implication was only for people supporting "dump" but who wouldn't actually vote for him.

The bold part above, well, speaks for itself.
He flip flops more than Trump himself does.

You mean like supporting the Iraq war and then being against it?
Being against gay marriage then supporting it?
Being for TPP then being against it?
Being against pot then supporting it's legalization?
Bashing sexually harassed women for being liars then supporting women?
Accepting donations from Sharia countries but supporting women and gay rights?
Saying it was all about a video, no terrorist attack, no video?
Supporting a law that jails more minorities than whites then being against it?

Oh shit, I'm talking about Hillary, not Trump.
"He's trying his hardest to get out of the nomination and you fuking retards keep gobbling it up."

I guess that implication was only for people supporting "dump" but who wouldn't actually vote for him.

The bold part above, well, speaks for itself.

Congrats. Out of the 100's of things I said about Trump you found one quote. Unlike the monster you are supporting I will admit I was wrong in saying that. I don't like seriously calling people names and that one quote is obviously out of character for me.

PS: Before you go quoting all the sarcastic shit I've said, that obviously doesn't count and you know it. I don't denigrate people is serious conversations. And really that retard comment was more than likely taken out of context. I'm sure I was half sarcastically replying to some outlandish thing Coke said.
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Congrats. Out of the 100's of things I said about Trump you found one quote. Unlike the monster you are supporting I will admit I was wrong in saying that. I don't like seriously calling people names and that one quote is obviously out of character for me.

PS: Before you go quoting all the sarcastic shit I've said, that obviously doesn't count and you know it. I don't denigrate people is serious conversations. And really that retard comment was more than likely taken out of context. I'm sure I was half sarcastically replying to some outlandish thing Coke said.

You said, "Provide a quote when I ever said someone voting for Trump was retarded." I merely did. You've provided many quotes that are antithetical to anyone who would ever vote for Trump. It's simply funny to read the plethora of things you said one way and then a complete reversal of stuff you've written the other. That's what I am calling you out on. If you want to vote for him, great. It's your choice. It's simply funny to see you squirm around in light of the body of work you've produced AGAINST trump, only now to support him.

And as I have said from the start, I am not voting for Hillary. Again, I'm not voting for her. Unlike you, I am not flip-flopping on my stance. I can't stand her. I don't like what she represents or her numerous flaws. I've stood by that and will continue to.
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You said, "Provide a quote when I ever said someone voting for Trump was retarded." I merely did. You've provided many quotes that are antithetical to anyone who would ever vote for Trump. It's simply funny to read the plethora of things you said one way and then a complete reversal of stuff you've written the other. That's what I am calling you out on. If you want to vote for him, great. It's your choice. It's simply funny to see you squirm around in light of the body of work you've produced AGAINST trump, only now to support him.

And as I have said from the start, I am not voting for Hillary. Again, I'm not voting for her. Unlike you, I am not flip-flopping on my stance. I can't stand her. I don't like what she represents or her numerous flaws. I've stood by that and will continue to.

I've said it multiple times already. I'm not voting for the candidate. I'm voting against Hillary and voting for preserving a conservative Supreme Court.
You mean like supporting the Iraq war and then being against it?
Being against gay marriage then supporting it?
Being for TPP then being against it?
Being against pot then supporting it's legalization?
Bashing sexually harassed women for being liars then supporting women?
Accepting donations from Sharia countries but supporting women and gay rights?
Saying it was all about a video, no terrorist attack, no video?
Supporting a law that jails more minorities than whites then being against it?

Oh shit, I'm talking about Hillary, not Trump.

You'll get no argument from me. I don't like her. She's crooked and has played the political game her entire career. I will openly admit that I am pretty moderate. I voted for McCain in 08 but Obama in 12 and there are times where I question that decision. I hate that he chimes in on domestic police issues involving race among other things. I think it has done more harm than good. But I like his foreign policy decisions. I like that we got the hell out of Iraq. I like that we have droned terrorists to death in unprecedented numbers. And I like that we stayed the hell out of the black hole that is Syria even after the blunder of the red line speech.

If Romney or McCain were running now against Hillary they would have my vote. So would Kasich, Jeb, Rubio and some of the others. But instead we have a man who is completely mentally unprepared and unfit to hold the office. He talks more about his own success and hotel business than he does actual policy issues and when he does talk policy they are impossible to enact because they violate the constitution. I would vote for Johnson if he stood a chance and if I wasn't nervous that someone like Trump could actually win. But I am nervous about it, so I'm stuck with Hillary. Because I can live with a crook and liar as commander in chief a hell of a lot easier than I can a man who by all accounts is a mentally unstable megalomaniac.
No she simply lied, and did nothing to help during the attack. The main Americans she wishes to help are herself, Bill, and the rest of the elitist progressive friends. Abortion rights are about getting rid of blacks and other undesirables. More bennies are about power for the leftist leaders, read the emails from DNC, helping gays and transgenders is a front, they are as homophobic and close minded as any. Democracy simply gets in the way, see poor ole Bernie.

It is from the People, to the inside Elites, for the inside elites, and 49 mil from wall street to her campaign show it.
Your post is full of assumptions about people's wishes. I will leave you to the fact free arguments.

If Romney or McCain were running now against Hillary they would have my vote. So would Kasich, Jeb, Rubio and some of the others. But instead we have a man who is completely mentally unprepared and unfit to hold the office. He talks more about his own success and hotel business than he does actual policy issues and when he does talk policy they are impossible to enact because they violate the constitution. I would vote for Johnson if he stood a chance and if I wasn't nervous that someone like Trump could actually win. But I am nervous about it, so I'm stuck with Hillary. Because I can live with a crook and liar as commander in chief a hell of a lot easier than I can a man who by all accounts is a mentally unstable megalomaniac.
Pretty much how I feel, Ace.

Pretty much how I feel, Ace.

And you would get more of the same. Tell me the difference between them and what we have today, very little. The republicans were voted in and took control of congress and were nothing but a rubber stamp for Obama. Sorry Sweetheart, more of the same changes nothing.
The news coverage for this election should be all done by Comedy Central. I swear, I can't wait for Trump to win in a landslide. The threads will be epic.
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The news coverage for this election should be all done by Comedy Central. I swear, I can't wait for Trump to win in a landslide. The threads will be epic.

Usually, the media veils their support for the dems a bit. This year, the news outlets aren't even pretending to hide who they want to win. Of course, they could simply report on all the dumb shit that comes out of the orange raccoon's dumb face without commenting and that still would be enough for Hillary to win in a landslide. As it were, it's a done deal.
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I can't wait for Trump to win in a landslide. The threads will be epic.
well that's not happening

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well that's not happening

C'mon, dude!!!! Think about all the high-horsing all these shit for brain nimrods will do for 4 STRAIGHT YEARS after fukcing Orange Crush becomes the POTUS and ends up sucking a big bag of shit covered donkey dicks like all their retard asses have been saying!!!! It will be social media nirvana for 4 years!!!! The memes, the Onion articles, the constant threads about stupid fukcing worthless politics!!!!!

I, for one, can't wait to see my Facebook feed inundated with "I'm moving to Canada" and "The world is going to end" and "Trump is Drump" and "The guns did it, not the person" and all the other piece of shit, worthless, ridiculous, unnecessarily constant and uninformative crap all the Politico jackoffs love posting for 4 MORE YEARS!!!!!!

I'm cised.
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C'mon, dude!!!! Think about all the high-horsing all these shit for brain nimrods will do for 4 STRAIGHT YEARS after fukcing Orange Crush becomes the POTUS and ends up sucking a big bag of shit covered donkey dicks like all their retard asses have been saying!!!! It will be social media nirvana for 4 years!!!! The memes, the Onion articles, the constant threads about stupid fukcing worthless politics!!!!!

I, for one, can't wait to see my Facebook feed inundated with "I'm moving to Canada" and "The world is going to end" and "Trump is Drump" and "The guns did it, not the person" and all the other piece of shit, worthless, ridiculous, unnecessarily constant and uninformative crap all the Politico jackoffs love posting for 4 MORE YEARS!!!!!!

I'm cised.
social media nirvana...right up until he bans porn

then this becomes the white house gates:
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Found this gem. And while I know not all Trump supporters are like this (Bob), a large portion of them are.

Take the blue pill -- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

Let's check the crowds at Hillary rallies - oops there aren't any crowds at Hillary rallies, just made up ones that get called out by people on social media.

Now return to fapping to hilariously flawed "polling data"
Joe is really good at attacking others while not having the balls to stand for something himself.

I am taking a stand you stupid fetus. And please show me one post where I have name called or attacked others, dumbass. It'll probably be as hard to find as your racist posts.

I am so glad that this is all you got out of this thread. Bravo retard.
I am taking a stand you stupid fetus. And please show me one post where I have name called or attacked others, dumbass. It'll probably be as hard to find as your racist posts.

I am so glad that this is all you got out of this thread. Bravo retard.
You need to abort this way of thinking.
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