DG enters transfer portal

This is where I stand, maybe no one is asking but since everyone else is saying there opinions why not.

1. Losing DG is a big loss. He’s a very good QB
2. I would’ve loved for him to stay because with him I think we had a shot at the AAC title next year with him and without him we are probably 9-3/8-4 next year.
3. It seems like everyone either thinks he’s the second coming of Jesus or a bottom tier player. He was an extremely good deep ball thrower, a very good all around quarterback, but had flaws that kept him from being great that people also need to realize. I.e. not being able to read a zone defense to save his life. He was very good, but not great.

I’m annoyed he left, might cause us an extra loss or two next year, but we’ll be fine medium to long term (hopefully).

really fair assessment. I do not believe this system was not a fit for him. Why he left, is anyone’s guess.
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A lot depends on who else leaves, particularly from WR position. Right now the talent pool is thin. Maybe Bowser stays and he runs 40 times a game like Kevin Smith.
Don't we all, but I was referring to the type of offense.
I don’t necessarily care what “type” the offense is as long as it is capable of scoring points at a high rate. There is something to be said for a ball control offense like Navy uses where you expect possessions to be limited and scoring to be lower. That’s not what we have here. Our time of possession ranking is actually lower than it was last year.
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I don’t necessarily care what “type” the offense is as long as it is capable of scoring points at a high rate. There is something to be said for a ball control offense like Navy uses where you expect possessions to be limited and scoring to be lower. That’s not what we have here. Our time of possession ranking is actually lower than it was last year.
Do you believe Gus is committed to running a particular kind of offense and, if so, how would you describe it.
The real DG Brand…
I don’t necessarily care what “type” the offense is as long as it is capable of scoring points at a high rate. There is something to be said for a ball control offense like Navy uses where you expect possessions to be limited and scoring to be lower. That’s not what we have here. Our time of possession ranking is actually lower than it was last year.
That’s only because of the ineptitude of the offense, most specifically the QB and all the 3 and outs we had. It really was awful.
Welcome to professional college football with the NIL. In the short term we are much worse without him. In the long term we may benefit the same way through the transfer portal. Loyalty to a team will become a thing of the past. Most of these players will never play in the NFL so they will try to maximum their chances any way they can and make money along the way. If DG doesn't want to play here then he should move on. It's time to make this Gus's team for better or worse.
Also the Oline was supposed to be our strongest unit and they've been disappointing. Overall we've been what we are, the third or fourth best team in the conference. It took the defense 4-5 weeks just to start making plays. Louisville QB was wrecking us. Given the confluence of events I'm happy with the record. That's a hard season to still pull off 8 wins and if anything shows that the program has evolved. Our down seasons before were winless 🤣
I was always told to finish what you started…leaders lead and make the guys around you better they don’t leave to better themselves.
Nailed it. If he wants to go pro does he think he will be able to pick where he goes? So if imhe suits up for a bottom feeder and things arent going well he is going to pout. Leaders lead regardless of where. Portal kids just look for comfort
To me, this year has been Okeefe’s team. He’s the only true consistent spark we’ve had on offense this year. He seems to have the respect of everyone on offense once they sit on the sideline after each series. It sure looked like he knew, usually DG commanded respect after each series. Remember how KZ acted and what he did when he was hurt? He stayed involved and tried to coach ppl up. Didn’t see that with DG, he was off to the side, trying to hang out with the NFL guys.
That’s only because of the ineptitude of the offense, most specifically the QB and all the 3 and outs we had. It really was awful.
I would like to see a compilation of the rollout to the right with throwing it away, there seemed to be at least 5-6 times in the game. It was the epitome of playing not to lose, and against any solid opponent would definitely lead to a loss and almost did on Saturday.

USF, SMU, UConn, Tulane, Memphis all ranking 100th or worst in pass defense, allowing an average of at least 255-285 yards a game. In those game Keene averaged 158 yards.
Multiple eras come to an end. The era of having a super talented QB on the roster. And the end of the
To me, this year has been Okeefe’s team. He’s the only true consistent spark we’ve had on offense this year. He seems to have the respect of everyone on offense once they sit on the sideline after each series. It sure looked like he knew, usually DG commanded respect after each series. Remember how KZ acted and what he did when he was hurt? He stayed involved and tried to coach ppl up. Didn’t see that with DG, he was off to the side, trying to hang out with the NFL guys.
The last few games when the camera was on DG it seemed like he was always with Kaiden Robinson joking around on the sidelines (Kaiden Robinson entered the portal yesterday also). They were checked out.
The last few games when the camera was on DG it seemed like he was always with Kaiden Robinson joking around on the sidelines (Kaiden Robinson entered the portal yesterday also). They were checked out.
Mckenzie Milton would coach from an IPad in a hospital bed while DG dances with the other checked out player and does Oakley Promos at Florida Mall to sit out our Rivalry game. His last few weeks here won’t be looked at well.
I realize that but in his mind he is DG the brand and worthy enough. Even if he was, Nfl owners would certainly pry into why he would try to go elsewhere
his issues with the NFL will be his physical tools, not about his transferring. And Gus isn't viewed as some QB whisperer in the NFL where people would be wondering how could Dillon leave such a great QB coach ... it must be his character. They're probably more likely to wonder why he stayed (if he did).
Only way this is NIL related is if a runner brokered a deal to get him to transfer. People , no matter the school, won’t buy socks and baseball style shirts.

Yep it’s all about the Benjamins, I’m sure some booster, coach or agent approached him about some booster NIL deal as part of the package plus he’s going somewhere where they run an air raid offense, not a power spread like Gus’.
I do suspect he was approached by donors and knows where he's going.
From what ive seen his offense is similar to frosts but instead of killins type rbs he prefers to use bruisers up the gut and control more clock
I agree on the rbs but so far the use of the pass seems different that Frost's. Perhaps it's because he doesn't trust his QBs and receivers. Not very many long balls.
Anyone acting like this isn’t a huge loss hasn’t been watching this year
Not sure I agree. This offense was just not suited for DG. He was not the same as the past two years and we won just as many games. The future is 2 years from now in the Big 12 and DG is not it. Granted, talent wise for throwing deep balls, DG is way better.

Garrett Gabriel on son Dillon's decision to transfer from UCF: QB wants a place 'better suited for him'
Orlando Sentinel on|19 hours ago
Dillon Gabriel's decision to leave the UCF is something that he'd pondered for quite some time, his father told The Orlando Sentinel.

LOL at his dad’s use of “this place”… Is this a required phrase for all dooshbagery that happens with UCF?

He drops:
“It’s someplace he loves….”

“It wasn’t that easy because of the place and some of the people,”…..

LOL at his dad’s use of “this place”… Is this a required phrase for all dooshbagery that happens with UCF?

He drops:
“It’s someplace he loves….”

“It wasn’t that easy because of the place and some of the people,”…..

Well then he sure as heck shouldn’t have been hawking his stupid gear to UCF fans if he was pondering it for sometime. Not that I would buy it. I am for UCF and not just one player.
Loved Gus' words in this last video of him after the USF game..."We're building a base..."

Maybe DG blames Gus somehow for his injury. Gus has alluded to the fact that he likes more QB activity on the RPO and it hasn't just been with DG. He been saying the same thing with Mikey.

Realistically, the guys that can move around and run give defenses fits. This is the kind of QB we need for the long term. KZ made many plays with his legs before his injury. Going to miss DG accuracy for sure but the QB position needs to be filled by dual QB type.
She has been shitposting the most idiotic arguments for DG for like 36 straight hours . Dungeon may want to ban her if she is going to start posting screenshots of a premium board

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